The TEAM: Doing It Together Acts 2:42-47 Everybody Discipling
Last Sundays The Task: What is Discipleship The Tool: God’s Word The Team: Doing It Together
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Acts 2:42-47 – The context
They are Strongly Communal They devoted to the fellowship (v42) They devoted to the breaking of bread (v42, 46) All who believed were together and had all things in common.” (v44) They attend the temple together and they also break bread in their homes (v46)
Personal Relationship with God??
Scepticism Reason Individualism Age of Enlightenment (17th-18th Century)
Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
≠ Personal Relationship with God Individualistic / Private Relationship with God
They are Passionately Devoted Acts 2:42 (ESV) 42 And they devoted themselves to …. “They were continually devoting themselves to…” (NASB) “They were consistently committed to do all these, and they were putting these things as priority in their life.”
Robert Wuthnow, a Professor of Sociology from Princeton University, in his book titled “Sharing the Journey” wrote this: “Small groups may not be fostering community as effectively as many of their proponents would like. Some small groups merely provide occasions for individuals to focus on themselves in the presence of others. The social contract binding members together asserts only the weakest of obligations. Come if you have time. Talk if you feel like it. Respect everyone's opinion. Never criticize. Leave quietly if you become dissatisfied… We can imagine that [these small groups] really substitute for families, neighborhoods, and broader community attachments that may demand lifelong commitments, when, in fact, they do not.”
Pastor Tim Keller, in his book Gospel in Life, wrote “It is possible to hold a weekly small group meeting without adding the elements that create real community. Because of our idols and the habits of our heart, church events simply become places that individuals ‘focus on themselves in the presence of others.’ It takes deep reflection and costly commitment to live in the community.”
Reading the Bible one on one
They are Inevitable Contagious Acts 2:47 (ESV) 47 …. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. “A community of believers following Jesus can image God in ways that an individual simply cannot.” – Bill Clem, Disciple
Acts 2:42–47 (???? Our Version ?????) 42 And they devoted themselves to fellowship two to three hours a week, study the Bible for one hour each time, and pray for each other only when they meet. 43 And busyness came upon every soul, and supernatural miracles were not very common among them. Nobody expected them anyway. 44And all who believed lived their individual life in their comfortable homes having their possessions mostly for themselves. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and investing to prepare for rainy days. 46 And once a week, attending the Sunday service together, if there is no other commitment, and breaking bread in their homes, again, if there is no other commitment, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and having favor with only their members. And it has been a while since someone got saved.