The God of Amazing Grace! Hosea 1-3 Superior Pleasures - #4 The God of Amazing Grace! Hosea 1-3
Hosea: 750 BC Addressed the Northern kingdom of Israel
The God of Amazing Grace! Hosea 1-3 Hosea told by God to marry a woman with ‘a reputation’ Hosea’s marriage was a living image of his message. Three children ‘Jezreel’ - a by word for battle and violence. ‘Not loved’ ‘Not my people’. Names symbolised God’s reaction to the countries unfaithfulness.
The God of Amazing Grace! Hosea 1-3 Gomer leaves Hosea and returns to old way of life This typifies how we often treat God God calls it spiritual adultery Hosea buys Gomer back – and loves her again as his wife This is what God does for his people - then and now! He goes out to tenderly win us back - 2v14 He promises hope and safety - 2v15 He promises to wipe the slate clean – 2v16, 19 & 20