Lectio Divina (Divine Reading)
Ready (3 minutes) Find a place where you can be undisturbed. Choose a brief passage of scripture. Quiet your heart, sit in silence, & ask God to meet you.
Ready (3 minutes) Read (5 mins) Find a place where you can be undisturbed. Choose a brief passage of scripture. Quiet your heart, sit in silence, & ask God to meet you. Read (5 mins) Read the passage slowly, letting your awareness rest on each word. Read the passage again, this time out loud. Make it personal. Make it your own. Insert your name. Listen for the small, still voice of God. Be aware of any word or phrase that catches your attention.
Reflect (10 minutes) Meditate, reflect on the word or phrase that caught your attention. As you reflect, listen and allow God to speak to you. Be aware of any emotion or memories the word or phrase may stir up.
Reflect (10 minutes) Respond (10 mins) Meditate, reflect on the word or phrase that caught your attention. As you reflect, listen and allow God to speak to you. Be aware of any emotion or memories the word or phrase may stir up. Respond (10 mins) Respond to the word or phrase. Ask God why this caught your attention. What is He trying to say to you? Dialogue with God about what you are feeling or hearing. Take time to sit and listen for God’s response.
Rest (5 mins) Rest in God’s presence. Wordless, quiet rest in the presence of God is called ‘contemplation’.
Rest (5 mins) Rest in God’s presence. Wordless, quiet rest in the presence of God is called ‘contemplation’. Return As you go through your day, keep returning to the passage and your reflection. Keep returning with the intention of integrating the word into your life. Adapted from, Prayer as a Place by Charles Bello