Reading/Language Arts/Writing: 4th grade Newsletter, Sept 12-16, 2016 Spelling: wait weight heard herd days daze heel heal peak peek sent cent scent feet feat vain vane vein miner minor Math Study Guide for Unit 1 will be on Monday, then Unit 1 test on Tuesday. Wednesday – Friday we will be learning about the many names for numbers and take a world tour (through our math books ) to Washington, D.C.. Multiplication quiz this Monday & Thursday. Reminders: Picture day – 9/14 Tissues, pencils, erasers & paper are always appreciated! Read & practice multiplication facts with your child every night Reading/Language Arts/Writing: We will begin a new story called “Stormalong” with new vocabulary and spelling words. Your child will have a vocab chart that he/she will bring home to study. Our grammar is focused on proper nouns, while we will be practicing referencing materials. Vocabulary, spelling, & comprehension test will be on Friday 9/16/16.