F.E. Burleson Elementary School Multiplication Information Third Grade Newsletter F.E. Burleson Elementary School “100 Years of Excellence” October 10-14, 2016 CLASSROOM STUDIES READING: Mr. Popper’s Penguins -Comprehension Skills: Drawing Conclusions/Questioning -Vocabulary Words: occupied, portable, indulgence, nuisance, outwit, drilled, transfers, riotous, vex, haggard ---Phonics: Compound Words MATH: Chapter 4- Multiplication Facts and Strategies LANGUAGE: Noun Review WRITING: When I Grow Up… SCIENCE: Heredity and Diversity SOCIAL STUDIES: none HOMEWORK/TEST MONDAY– Fall Break (no school) TUESDAY–Fall Break (no school) WEDNESDAY- 0’s and 1’s Fluency Side 1 THURSDAY- 0’s and 1’s Fluency Side 2 -Complete Vocab. Study Guide FRIDAY- Vocabulary Test Red Ribbon Week Mon. 24th- Red, White, Blue Day Tues. 25th- Tie-Dye Day Wed. 26th- Team Color Day Thur. 27th- Crazy Sock Day Fri. 28th- Pajama Day Multiplication Information Multiplication is underway!! Please help us, by helping your child, practice his/her multiplication facts (in the car, cooking dinner, or during other activities). Flash cards can be purchased or your child can make their own with index cards. We work on fluency with 0-10 in third grade. If the multiplication facts are not learned, the remainder of 3rd grade and 4th grade will be very tough on your child. Thank you Oct. 14th-End of 1st 9 Weeks Oct. 20th-Report Cards Oct. 21st-approved book project Oct. 24th-28th Red Ribbon Week Oct. 26-Early Release (11:45) Oct. 31-Book Character Day Nov. 11th- Veteran’s Day (no school) Nov. 23-25-Thanksgiving Break Nov. 28th-Book Project Due Next book project must be approved by Oct. 21 and is due Nov. 28. It must be a different genre and project than the first book project. Remember to read every day!! http://www.hartselletigers.org/FEB