NUUO Tools Welcome to NUUO general education service. This session allows users to have the overview of NUUO tools for system design. (Click)
CCTV System Tender Spec Axis IP camera 720p/5fps/H.264 x 780ch 1080p/10fps/H.265 x 20ch Size: 20 sites and 40ch per store Storage: record for 14 days Video wall is necessary Require centralized alarm management RAID 5 is required Require people counting Let’s take a normal CCTV system tender spec as an example. We can summarize this tender spec to 8 requirements, including camera parameter, project size, storage requirement, remote viewing requirement, hardware requirement and video analytics. So the first step is to make a system plan with suitable NUUO product.
w w w . n u u o . c o m (Click) Log in NUUO website where you can find the information of (Click) vertical applications, (Click) products, (Click) technical supports, (Click) event schedule and (Click) sales supports (Click) All the NUUO Tools we’re going to introduce are under “Support” category.
Default or Manually insert Duplicate Default or Manually insert Sub-stream Multi-feature NuCalculator is an intuitive web-based tool for system planning. It’s able to estimate the bandwidth and storage size according to camera parameters and features. According to the bandwidth and server requirements, it would recommend you the most suitable NUUO products and client-server requirement. According to each site’s requirement, the user may add multiple camera parameters, including camera numbers, video format, resolution , frame rate, bitrate, recording hour, recording day and specific feature. There’re few tips to help users having more accurate estimation (Click) User can use system default bitrate or manually insert the exact bitrate, (Click) Users can select more than one feature applying on the same camera. Also, (Click) The user can simply add sub-stream parameters individually. Besides, (Click) it’s easy to duplicate camera parameters for a small revision. After completing parameters, (Click) NuCalculator would automatically generate the minimum bandwidth of upload and download, hard disk throughputs and total disk space. (Click)
Then user may select suitable NUUO products by recording server criteria, (Click)such as rackmount, local display, RAID and others.
By client PC CPU By product Also, client-server recommendation is listed and can be selected by NUUO various client applications and CPU.
Save & Load Config PDF Export After confirmed the system design, the user can (Click)export the project design to PDF and directly send to their customers. (Click) Or save the configuration for next similar project. (Click)
Multilingual Multilingual is also available on NuCalculator
According to selected NUUO servers, users may download the camera supported list from NUUO website. (Click)
(Click) and find the specific camera model and supported features by camera brands There’re several terms need to be noticed (Click)
For general functions working on NUUO NVR & VMS w/o showing model name Efficient for urgent integration First is Generic. Generic means NUUO VMS & NVR implied the standard Common Gateway Interface developed by the camera manufacturer. It covers the most frequent used camera features, such as video, audio, I/O trigger, camera motion detection, to save the integration time if there’s any urgent request from proof of concept or installation.
Edge = Video device (Camera, Video servers and etc) NUUO NVR / VMS support that model’s motion detection Secondly is On Edge Motion. Edge stands for the video device. On edge motion means NUUO VMS and NVR support the motion signal detected by the video device. The same rule applies to edge record which means NUUO VMS and NVR can retrieve the video saved in SD card of the video device.
Fixed bitrate of sub stream for remote viewing Type 1 Third is the multi stream which is usually used for remote viewing to save the bandwidth. There’re two types of multi-stream support on NUUO VMS and NVR. One is the bit rate fixed as 500kbps and 100kbps by NUUO VMS and NVR. NUUO VMS and NVR would find the most suitable resolution and frame rate to fit the bitrate.
Able to configure camera’s 2nd / 3rd / 4th stream on NUUO NVR & VMS Type 2 Another one is multi-stream setting support. User can configure video device’s sub-streams on NUUO VMS and NVR. By supporting multi-stream setting, it’s more flexible for user to assign streams to video recording and remote viewing.
Sharing same CGI with another fully tested model Only model name is different The last one is supported by design which means the model shares same CGI with another fully tested model by NUUO. It’s normally applied to the cameras of which the housing and model name are different.
Now the NUUO solution and camera are selected already Now the NUUO solution and camera are selected already. How does user install NUUO solution correctly? (Click) For example, before setting Crystal recording schedule, the user can go to NUUO video library under support category to watch a 5-minute step-by-step demo video. It’s not just an efficient tool that helps system integrator quickly configure NUUO VMS and NVR, but also a pre-sales material which explains how NUUO solution works.
NUUO Wiki is another useful tool for system integrator for easy troubleshooting during installation. The user can search by NUUO products, question categories or keyword. (Click)
There are clear instructions with snapshots of trouble shooting in each page. By clicking your feedback, NUUO tech support team would improve NUUO Wiki’s content accordingly.
NUUO eHelpdesk offers users a platform to trace their technical issues efficiently. The service range includes project consultant, Return Merchandise Authorization and technical issue reply.
NUUO Tools NuCalculator Camera Supported List Video Library NUUO Wiki eHelpdesk Let’s go through all NUUO tools again. (Click) NuCalculator, an intuitive tool for system planning (Click) Camera supported list, a monthly updated list indicates NUUO compatible video devices (Click) Video library, a short demo video speaks a million words (Click) NUUO wiki, an online FAQ for easy troubleshooting (Click) eHelpdesk, a technical support platform for issue tracking efficiently
Thank You Thank you for the valuable time on NUUO education.