Religious Leaders To know the names of the officials in the six world faiths To understand that these leaders are consulted with for advice on religious matters. In your books, create a spider diagram/list of qualities of what makes a good leader e.g. Strong, trustworthy
Christianity PRIESTS, MINISTERS, VICARS Full time job with lots of responsibilities Conduct services such as weddings, funerals, baptisms Lead Holy Communion Give guidance to members of the church if they have any problems
Judaism RABBI Full time job with lots of responsibilities Conduct services such as weddings ALWAYS MEN!!! Give spiritual guidance using the TORAH Don’t have any uniform Help members of the community and act as a counsellor
Islam IMAM NOT A FULL TIME JOB – given to respected members of the congregation Leads prayers in the mosque Has a close relationship with God (Allah) Instructs Muslims how best to live their lives according to the Qur’an
Buddhism SANGHA MONKS AND NUNS They aren’t involved in modern life Concentrate on their spiritual side Provide support for Buddhist community Meditate, chant and study scripture Strict set of rules e.g. Can’t eat before noon
Sikhism GRANTHI NOT FULL TIME – anyone who is thought highly of Main focus of worship is on the GURU GRANTH SAHIB Can be either MALE OR FEMALE Perform special rites during morning and evening services THEY NEVER LEAVE THE HOLY BOOK UNATTENDED!!!
Hinduism BRAHMIN FULL TIME JOB – RECEIVE CHARITY AS PAYMENT Most respected group of Hindus Six main duties Study the VEDAS, worship different gods and give to charity Teach others how to worship the gods and how to live a good life MAINLY MEN!!!!
Religious Leaders To know the names of the officials in the six world faiths To understand that these leaders are consulted with for advice on religious matters. Using the information sheet you must create a mind map to explain the roles of the 6 different religious leaders You must include: Name of each religion Name of the leader in each religion At least 2-3 duties they perform Picture of that leader
Religious Leaders Christianity PRIESTS, VICARS Perform services such as weddings and funerals Lead Holy Communion Offer guidance Judaism Islam Religious Leaders Hinduism BRAHMIN Study VEDAS, worship different gods and give charity Teach others how to live a good life Buddhism Sikhism
Religious Leaders Complete the missing gaps sheet to explain the roles of the religious leaders in more detail To know the names of the officials in the six world faiths To understand that these leaders are consulted with for advice on religious matters.