SeniorWeb Norway Objectives: We want all seniors in Norway to be active users of the Internet!
Seniornett Norway Is a nationalwide NGO/voluntary organization Almost 10 000 members More than 200 local clubs Member of the study association Popular Universities Hundreds of courses around the year and around the country
Seniornett Norge - 10 years development 2006 2015 Numer of local NGOs 20 215 Volunteer workers 100 1050 Employees 3 6 Seniors instructed 1.000 26.000
Digital illiteracy Out of Norway’s 5,5 mill inhabitants, 1,3 millions are more than 55 years old Out of these 1,3 million seniors 400 000 have limited or no knowledge of computers, lap tops or Internet
The DigiDel 2017 government programme
DigiDel: Goal: 200 000 more users ”on the web” Programme partners: Eight Ministries involved All 400 Public Libraries participate Private industry in ICT and telecom contribute NGOs like Seniornett associated Public directorates and providers in adult education ICT for all, safe use, public involvement
Tools Motivate – Train – Maintain SeniorSurf day Newspaper, Web portal Cooperations with large NGOs (e.g. Red Cross) Clubs and meeting places in local communities Tailormade training - just for seniors Train-the-trainer!
Being digital Improved governmental services at reduced costs Combat loneliness Prolong productive working lives Delay onset of dementia Enabler for Welfare Technology Improved democratic processes
EU eInclusion Award – Ageing Well Seniornett was a Finalist Vienna december 2008
Seniornett Norge won the Enlightenment Award in 2012