are the typical houses of Fasano (Southern Italy) TRULLI and MASSERIE are the typical houses of Fasano (Southern Italy) • A TRULLO is a very old house with a CONICAL ROOF. Built with DRYSTONES, it is located in hills . • A MASSERIA, instead, is a very big and ancient house similar to a CASTLE. It stands in quiet countryside.
TRULLI • Trulli are dry-stone houses which from time immemorial have been built in the heart of Apulia. The name trullo (pl. trulll) comes from ancient Greek. Il tnotos', which denotes a building with a conic roof. • Trulli are made with stones because the Apulian Landscape is rich in stones and also because they were easy to destroy and then rebuilt order to avoid paying taxes...unfair!!! • Nowadays the TRULLI has changed their use in summer residences. • Since XVII centothey have been used by farmers and shepherds as stores and shelters.
MASSERIE • A masseria is a complex structure with many buildings surrounded by large estates. Since the MIDDLE AGE it was the centre of life and economy of the inhabitants who lived and worked there. MASSERIE • They usually stand on the piane, not too far from the sea • Like in a castle, all human activities took place in the masseria, even religion: many masserie are equipped with a CHAPEL or a little CHURCH. • To protect it against enemy attacks, since XVII century has been built DEFENSIVE WALLS with scallop border and TOWERS. • Today they have changed their use into FARM HOLIDAYS
Visiting the masserie and trulli