Quality Assurance in Czech Republic Lenka Chvátalová lenka.chvatalova@nuov.cz NCP - VET - CO 4th project meeting, 21 - 22 October 2010, Prague Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
Structure of presentation Quality assurance at the national level Involvement of CR in European activities Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
Quality assurance at the national level Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
QA at the national level Overview Quality is guaranteed by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT) Quality Assurance in VET in the Czech Republic is defined in the Long-Term Plan for the Development of Education and the Education System of 2002 (updated in 2004, 2008 and 2011) Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
QA at the national level Overview The Long-Term Plan sets out the Quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation of education as the main priorities Responsible bodies: Czech school inspectorate Providers (municipalities, regions) Schools and school councils Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
QA on national level Legal support 2001 – White paper (National Programme for the Development of Education) 2001- 2003 Decentralisation and autonomy of schools 2004 – New Education Act and Educational Staff Act Curricular reform: Framework Educational Programmes (national core curricula) – School Educational Programmes (school curricula) New role of the Czech School Inspectorate Self-evaluation of schools Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
QA at the national level Evaluation of pupils/students Pupils/students are evaluated in accordance to Education act During a school year by teachers (grades or verbal evaluation) At the end of graduation year (state graduation exam) National (SCIO) and international evaluation and comparative projects (OECD) Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
QA at the national level Evaluation of schools Internal self-evaluation External Regions Czech School Inspectorate Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
Involvement of CR in European activities Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
Involvement of CR in European activities Involved in the European Quality Assurance activities since 2005 (Quality Assurance in VET Conference in Dublin - Building Sustainable European Co-Operation) 2007 – National network for quality assurance in VET established -> CR became a member of ENQAVET 2010 – representatives in EQAVET (steering committee, working groups), National Network for Quality Assurance in VET transformed into the National Reference Point for Quality Assurance in VET – EQAVET-CZ Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
CR and EQAVET National reference point EQAVET-CZ coordinated by ČŠI and NÚOV Representatives from Ministry of Education, Chamber of Commerce, counties, school unions, universities and other relevant stakeholders 1st meeting planned for December 2010 Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
CR and EQAVET Main tasks: Create a strategy for implementation of European Quality Assurance Reference Framework Inform national stakeholders about EQAVET activities Cooperate with other quality assurance national bodies Exchange information and experience with other national reference points Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV
Thank you for your attention! lenka.chvatalova@nuov.cz Lenka Chvátalová, NÚOV