Iowa Testing 2013
Iowa Yearly Grade Comparison
Iowa Yearly Comparison
School Norms
Student Norms
Diocesan Proficiency Levels
Iowa Tests Areas of Growth Reading Comprehension Math Concepts Problems and Data Iowa Tests Areas of Growth
New Iowa Testing
Problem Solving, Concepts and Estimation are going to be combined into Mathematics on the report. The Math test is divided into Part I and Part II, computation is separate, ELA Total = Reading, Written Expression, Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation, Vocabulary. Extended ELA Total = all of the above plus Word Analysis and Listening for grades 2 and 3 only. Reading-page of cold read
New Version of the Iowa-2014 IOWA TEST In Color Updated pictures Two forms-E and F 4 hours 15” No block more than 30” CoGat practice is free Begin spring of 2014 Data manager purchased by schools?
Goal Setting
First in Math Included in the Ranking top 100 schools Nationally Our Lady of Perpetual Help-11th St. Elizabeth LaSalle Academy St. Ambrose 10 Top Schools in our Diocese Our Lady of Perpetual Help St. Elizabeth Regional School Holy Guardian Angels Assumption, BVM St. Michael The Archangel Good Shepherd St. Thomas More St. John Vianney First in Math 2014 Assembly in one of the high schools for First in Math Awards
Curriculum Updates ELA Guidelines- Language and Writing- Goal is to complete the ELA Guidelines by the spring Writing Prompts- twice a year Not optional Math CC Priority Topics-All Grades K-4 within the Diocese Grade 5 Math CC -Pilot Schools Mathematical Practices=all grades Science guidelines are updated-input is being requested
Where to find information e Board Math Common Core K-8 Domains Key Points of the Math Common Core Common Core Math Practices Pacing Charts for K-4-all schools are to be using these Pacing Charts for Grade 5 for the Pilot Schools guest sign in katereardon
Grade 3 Math CC Priority Topics
Grade 4 Math CC Priority Topics Questions?
UBD Region Plans Berks Schuylkill Carbon Northampton lehigh