Chapter 20 “Seeking God’s Life and Love as the Church” Do now: how would you define the Kingdom of God?
Chapter 20 ~ Lesson 1 The Kingdom of God – the power of God’s love active in our lives and in the world. The Kingdom of God was an image that reminded everyone that God id the Lord of the universe who cares for his people. Jesus told his disciples to put God at the center of their lives.
Chapter 20 ~ Lesson 1 Providence - is God’s care for and protection of all creation. Jesus taught his disciples about the Kingdom of God through parables. A parable is a short story with a message. As Jesus’ disciples we pray, “Thy kingdom come,” taking an active part in spreading God’s kingdom. At Baptism and again at Confirmation, we are reminded to serve God and one another through love and service to the Church and each other.
Chapter 20 ~ Lesson 1 The Church began at Pentecost. Today, Christ’s presence in the Church is revealed in many ways. The Church’s visible elements allow her to be readily seen and recognized by all. These visible elements include: Scripture – the Church’s written record of God’s revelation. Baptism – and other sacraments, we become members of the Church. Eucharist – the body and blood of Christ. Doctrines of faith – the teaches from the time of the apostles. Episcopacy – the teachings of the pope and bishops. Devotion to Mary – Mary’s spiritual motherhood extends to all members of the Church.
Chapter 20 ~ Lesson 1 Visible Elements of the Church
Chapter 20 ~ Lesson 1 The invisible elements have to do with the Church’s inner life, the way we Church members live. Some of the invisible elements of the Church are: The life of grace – participating in the life of God. The theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity (love). The gifts of the Holy Spirit, who is continually sanctifying the Church.
Through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we can find the strength to work together within God’s kingdom – always looking forward toward its fullness at Jesus’ second coming at the end of time.