Political Systems 1. Use the notes to complete the Call out map 2 Political Systems 1. Use the notes to complete the Call out map 2. Create a political spectrum on the back of the map.
Democracy: Form of Government where supreme political authority rests with the people & government is conducted only by & with the consent of the people. Example: Ancient Athens
Democracy in Ancient Athens DIRECT DEMOCRACY Only Athenian male property owners (citizens) were allowed to vote. Every morning they would meet in the Agora (town square) and vote on all issues of the day. Voters pass all laws and make decisions for the country or city. A true democracy is impossible in today’s societies because there are so many people. You can find democracies at the Town Hall level of government.
Example: The United States Republic: Form of government in which the people elect their officials. Example: The United States U.S. Representatives 2011
Republics – United States In a republic, eligible voters elect officials to represent their interests. In the U.S., we elect officials on the local, state, and national levels. Elected officials are held responsible to the will of the people, or they will not be re-elected.
Totalitarianism: Rule by a single political party or person that tries to control every aspect of its citizens life. Example: North Korea
Totalitarianism – North Korea A political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life. The North Korean government controls the laws, the economy, the media, the military, etc… Use propaganda, restriction of rights, mass surveillance, control over the economy, cultism & terror to control the people.
Dictatorship: form of government that has the power to govern without the consent of those being governed Example: Cuba, North Korea
Dictatorship Form of absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law, constitutions, or other social and political factors within the state. Dictatorships are a type of totalitarian system, maintaining power through the control of mass media. Fidel Castro was the dictator of Cuba since 1959 and Kim Jong Il since 1994. Castro’s brother now rules Cuba and Kim Jong Un rules North Korea.
Monarchy: A government led by a hereditary ruler, like a King, Queen, or Emperor. Examples: The United Kingdom & Saudi Arabia
Types of Monarchies Absolute Monarchies: the monarch rules with absolute power over the state. There are no large absolute monarchies today. Ex: Saudi Arabia & Brunei Constitutional Monarchies: The King/Queen is limited by a constitution and is merely a figure head. Ex: U.K.
Theocracy: The leaders of government are also the leaders of the religion. Example: The Vatican City & Iran
Theocracies – Vatican City and Iran Vatican City is ruled by the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church. Iran is ruled by the Ayatollah, who is the head of the Shia branch of Islam. However, most of the political power is in the hands of the President, Hassan Rouhani.
POLITICAL SYSTEMS SPECTRUM: Draw this spectrum on the back of your paper and fill it in. Unlimited Gov’t Ppl More Free Limited Gov’t Ppl Less Free Place the countries AND their political system from your notes/map onto the spectrum/continuum in order to show how limited or unlimited they are based on their definition.
Processing Activity Political System Posters You will be given one of 5 articles. With a partner, you will read the article and create a poster highlighting the political system of your country. Illustrate the connection between the country’s government and its political system. Use words and pictures to show the correct political system for each country.
Once your poster is complete… You will present your poster. Then as a class, we will determine where the country goes along the political spectrum.