ONE OF THE KEYS TO A SAFER WORKPLACE HOUSEKEEPING NO, noone is going to do it for you. We don’t have maids and your Mom doesn’t work here. ONE OF THE KEYS TO A SAFER WORKPLACE
Work Place Housekeeping “The phrase "working place" is defined in 30 CFR '' 56/57.2 as: "any place in or about a mine where work is being performed." As used in the standard, the phrase applies to those locations at a mine site where persons work during a shift in the mining or milling processes.” Here at ***** the workplace includes any part of the facility that people may visit. This includes lunchrooms, restrooms, break rooms and areas, and of course all other “work” areas as defined above.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROMOTES SAFETY Spills are a slip hazard. Cords, Hoses, Welding Leads and tools can be a trip hazard. Dirt and Dust piles can be a respiratory hazard. Protruding nails and sharp objects can be a puncture and or cut hazard. Scrap steel, Wood, rebar and misc. material can cause falls and other safety hazards. This is basic stuff– but we should review and we must/shall be persistent in these task to achieve our goal of a safer accident free workplace.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PROMOTES PRODUCTIVITY Keeping a neat and orderly work area prevents stopping to move tools, cords & scrap. Trip hazards must be barricaded, eliminating those hazards eliminates time used to erect barricades. Organized work areas means all tools and materials kept in their proper place until needed. Stated simply, the better organized our work area is the easier it is to complete the task. Minimizing work stoppages and making a safer area for those involved.
GOOD IMPRESSIONS IMPROVED MORALE As contractors working on other people’s property good housekeeping leaves a good impression. Working in a clean, organized, & clutter free area makes almost any task seem easier and promotes a better attitude by all persons involved. Impressions: Like it or not we are judged by the way an area is kept during our task. Housekeeping must be a continuous thing, prior to starting the task, during the task and leaving an area cleaner than we found it is maybe most important when it comes to leaving a good impression. A lot of companies can do the task, but the repeat business comes to the companies that practice good housekeeping. Morale: We’ve all arrived at a work area and immediately got that bad feeling in the pit of our stomach just because of the way the area looks. Here at Alcoa it is no secret that at times that cannot be avoided but the quicker we take control of the housekeeping problem the better chance we eliminate that bad feeling from evolving into bad attitudes but more importantly, the improved safety factor of the project.
GOOD IMPRESSIONS IMPROVED MORALE Because we should always strive to leave a good impression we should always make it a priority to keep our areas clean. Working in a clean, organized, & clutter free area makes almost any task seem easier and promotes a better attitude by all persons involved. Impressions: Like it or not we are judged by the way an area is kept during our task. Housekeeping must be a continuous thing, prior to starting the task, during the task and leaving an area cleaner than we found it is maybe most important when it comes to leaving a good impression. A lot of companies can do the task, but the repeat business comes to the companies that practice good housekeeping. Morale: We’ve all arrived at a work area and immediately got that bad feeling in the pit of our stomach just because of the way the area looks. Here at Alcoa it is no secret that at times that cannot be avoided but the quicker we take control of the housekeeping problem the better chance we eliminate that bad feeling from evolving into bad attitudes but more importantly, the improved safety factor of the project.
What does “PLUS ONE” mean? It’s that attitude we must develop to improve housekeeping. It’s doing our part plus one more thing! It’s picking up that piece of litter, the one someone else dropped. It’s picking up that cigarette butt that someone else failed to get in the butt can. It’s sweeping up your mess, plus one more area adjacent to it. I think we get the point. By taking on the plus one attitude we can improve the overall look and feel of the facility.