Seyoung Yoon and Sameet Ramakrishnan Flight Software Seyoung Yoon and Sameet Ramakrishnan Space Sciences Laboratory Kyung Hee University University of California, Berkeley
Seyoung’s presentation FSW Agenda Overview Seyoung’s presentation I2C module Sun-Sensor Power, Torque Coils SPI MAG Sameet’s presentation Real Time Clock Command and Data handling Housekeeping module Command module STEIN module MAG module Future Goals
Overview FSW MAJOR MODULES I II IV III Helium Cmds Analogs I II IV III Simulink PWR.A ACS.A Sun Sensors Torque Coils STEIN Atten MAG Elect MAG.A STEIN.A SPI S-Band Tx TM.A SDCARD FPGA POWER Switches Timers BKG.A EXEC.A SSR.A LD.A CMD.A SRAM & EEPROM HSK.A COMM FSW MAJOR MODULES Logic and Data flow chart for Flight Software. Commands come in through command, parsed by exec. BKG calls scheduled tasks/drivers. These write their respective packets to the SD card via SSR module, TM will pull these from the SD card and downlink them.
Tasks Two kinds of tasks Foreground tasks (called by EXEC module) Run asynchronously in available time No hard limit on execution time Configurable by ground commands Will be frequently interrupted by Background commands, so should not rely on IO peripheral state Attitude Control System (ACS), SRAM scan, memory peek/poke… Background tasks (called by BKG module) Interrupts fired at 1024 Hz Run at specific times Must complete before next interrupt (~9700 instructions) Performs tasks that must occur on time Data flow management, MAG sampling, housekeeping (analog) ADC sampling… 4
Background Task Table HSK STE TX MAG CMD
Overview Background module completed and tested EPS module completed and tested SD card drivers in progress Drivers have since been completed, and circular buffers on SD card have been built Transmission module mostly completed “Overflow” packet handling not complete Support for Memory Dump Packets needed Error handling Testing After this slide, Seyoung will present 6
Overview This block diagram is for early FSW. I’m participating in these modules. Most of the modules are done. Several modules remained to test.
I2C1 - General read, write module EPS Sun-sensor Power Overview I2C1 - General read, write module EPS Sun-sensor Power SPI2 – between dsPIC and IIF for STEIN Torque Coils I2C2 – between dsPIC and IIF for MAGIC HSK MAGIC I’ll skip several modules. EPS module was presented last week by Nestor. And I have already presented this module in Feb. CDR. If you want to get EPS information, you can find it in Nestor’s CPD and my CDR presentation. These documents are on Knowledge tree. And also, I’ll skip HSK module. This module is presented by Sameet.
FSW modules development I2C Module Hardware : I2C1, Software : I2C Description : General function for reading and writing I2C1_INIT() I2C1_READ(slave address, number of bytes) Data is saved in I2C1_RX_BUF[] I2C1_WRITE(slave address, number of bytes) Data is sent from I2C1_TX_BUF[] First module is for I2C. (I2C is serial communication protocol which is used in many microprocessors) Actually, I2C module includes functions for I2C1, I2C2 and RTC. (The dsPIC has two I2C. RTC module is using the I2C1) But, I’ll talk about each of them because each module operates differently in function. So..First, I2C1 includes general functions for reading and writing. ClydeSpace EPS, Battery and Real Time Clock module are connected to I2C1. AS we use these functions, we can control devices such as like EPS, BATTERY and RTC. dsPIC I2C1 SCL1 SDA1 EPS 0x2B BATT 0x2A RTC 0x68 EPS : Electrical Power System RTC : Real Time to Clock
FSW modules development EPS Module (You can see Seyoung’s CDR presentation) Hardware : EPS, BATT, I2C1 Software : EPS, I2C Description : This module is called by HSK module for ACS and Housekeeping. EPS_INIT() – Variables and I2C1 initialization EPS_READ_HSK() – be not used any more EPS_CMD() - shall be called to command to EPS and BATT EPS_I2C_REQ() – request a sample to EPS or BATT EPS_I2C_READ() – read a sample from EPS or BATT As I said, I’ll skip this.
FSW modules development Sun-sensor Module(SUN.c, SUN.h) Hardware : Sun-sensors, Timer(2, 3), Input Capture(1,5) Description : SUN_INIT() – Timers and Input Captures initialization SUN_INTERVAL() – Update sun-azimuth, sun-elevation, spin period and interval time between left-sunsensor and right-sunsensor. If data is updated, the function returns 1. SUN_INTERVAL() function is called each time in 0.419sec Rising Edge Detecting 3.3 V 0 V Interval Sensor 1 Sensor 2 T1 T2 T3 T4 The sun-sensor module consists of two functions. SUN_INIT() function performs initialization for timers and Input captures. SUN_INTERVAL() function returns sun-azimuth, elevation and period. Below right expressions are from Karla verga’s thesis. We can calculate the values using these equations. And this function is called every about 0.419sec or less than. It’s not using interrupt, so we have to make it update values. Look at the below left figure. Current software is detecting only rising edge. If detecting only one edge creates some problem in ACS, I need to change the software. As current module is not using interrupts, sun-sensor module becomes more complicated if I change the software to detect middle of signal. So, I hope it’s not changed as far as possible.
FSW modules development I2C2 Module Hardware : IIB, I2C2 Description : I2C2_INIT() – initialize I2C2 as Master mode writeI2C_FPGA(register address, num of data) readI2C_FPGA(register address, num of data) Pseudo code IIB : Instruments Interface Board IIF : Instruments Interface FPGA dsPIC I2C2 SCL2 SDA2 IIF I2C Sequence of writing data to FPGA 01 I2C2_TX_BUF[0] = data#1; 02 ⁞ ⁞ 03 I2C2_TX_BUF[n-1] = data#n; 04 error_check = writeI2C_FPGA(register address, num of data); 05 if error_check = 1 then normal 06 else then communication has error Sequence of writing data to FPGA 01 error_check = readI2C_FPGA(register address, num of data); 02 if error_check = 1 then 03 data#1 = I2C2_RX_BUF[0]; 04 ⁞ ⁞ 05 data#n = I2C2_RX_BUF[n-1]; 06 else then communication has error I2C2 is connected only to the FPGA on the IIB. This module is called to control IIB. Type the register address and number of data, and then the module communicates with FPGA until all data is moved.
FSW modules development Power Module Hardware : I2C2, IIB, IO(RE6, RE7) Software : I2C, PWR Description : Switch STEIN High Voltage Supply – turn STEIN High voltage supply on or off as writing command to IIF’s register using I2C2. Switch power to IIB – turn IIB on or off through IO pin(RE7). Check Over-current on IIB check over-current on IIB using IO pin(RE6). If occurred over-current, returns 0. If not, returns 1. Deploy UHF antennae(not programmed yet) Using Countdown timer. Need to determine condition to start timer. Power module is almost done except function to deploy UHF antennae. This module includes 4 functions, now. The one is to switch STEIN high voltage supply and power to IIB. Other one is to check over-current on IIB. This functions can be designed using FPGA register. But, I am just using a IO pin, because reading IO pin is more simple than reading FPGA register. (Over-current indicator is also connected to dsPIC’s IO pin.) And the other one is funtction to deploy UHF antennae. This function is not programmed yet. Maybe, it shall be using timer. But Sameet and me, we don’t know when this timer start and also we don’t know this timer has how much time. It depends on operation sequence.
FSW modules development SPI2 Module Hardware : SPI2, DMA3, DMA4, IIB, SD Card Software : SPI2, SSR Description Initialization SPI2 and DMA channels cfgSPI2(), cfgDMA3(), cfgDMA4() DMA3 as Transmission channel, DMA4 as Reception channel. Saving STEIN data into shared memory buffer. readSTEIN() Receive STEIN data from IIF through SPI2, and Send null data. Save received data into steinDMABuffer[] Writing data for transmission to IIF from SD Card. writeTLM() Write transmission data into IIF buffer from SD Card. Checking DMA3,4 busy status SPI is serial communication protocol such as I2C. Although this protocol doesn’t support BUS mode, bit rate is very faster than I2C. SPI1 is used to communicate with SD card. SPI2 module has three functions. First is saving STEIN data into shared memory buffer. Data in shared memory is saved into SD Card by another SPI. Second function is writing data to FPGA’s register from SD Card. Transmitted data is for transmission to GroundStation. Last function is to check DMA’s status. DMA is device for automatically communication between peripheral devices. If request for SPI communication is called when DMA is being used, transmission data may be crashed. So we can prevent this situation by using checking function. DMA : Direct Memory Access
FSW modules development SPI2 Module(Cont.) SRAM DPSRAM DMA Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This diagram is showing how to be connected using DMA. But, to explain this diagram is not important. I’ll skip. (If saving STEIN data function is called, FPGA is ) SAMEET: This sentence is a little unclear? CPU FPGA SD Card DPSRAM : Dual Port SRAM
FSW modules development Torque Coils Module Hardware : IIB, Torque Coils, Timer2, Output Compare4 Description : This module is called by ACS to control torque coil. TCM() – Three parameters (duty rate(%) : 0 - 100, address0-1) OC4_INIT() – initialize OC4 as PWM mode Address 0(which coil) Address1(which Polarity) RD3 RF0 RF1 dsPIC33 IIB PWM MUX Torque Coils Torque coils module is called by ACS module to control magnetic torque coils. Torque coil control function has three parameters. Duty rate is constant to determine that the module makes how much positive signal. It’s generally expressed as a percentage. Address0 is for selecting the axis of the coil. Address1 determines the current direction in the torque coil. PWM : Pulse Width Modulation
FSW modules development Housekeeping Module (You can see more detail in Sameet’s presentation.) Hardware : IIB, I2C2 Software : HSK Description : Save slow housekeeping data into housekeeping buffers. slowDigHSK() Slow housekeeping data is defined in APID264 of CTM.xlsx As I said when start presentation, I’ll skip this module. In brief, I made a processing function for slow digital housekeeping data such as operating mode and devices status. slowDigHSK function collects data from the other modules and save the data into Housekeeping Data buffer. EXEC IO CMD FPGA LD slowDigHSK() HSKDataBuffer[] HSK PWR ACS SUN
Thank you!
Real Time Clock (RTC) Description: Progress: Future: Time-stamping science data Scheduling Commanded events Referencing ACS “ephemeris” Set via ground command Offset maintained for drift Progress: Built interface library (over I2C) Initialize, read, start/stop, halt/unhalt Future: Finalize details of maintaining offset. Potential addition of a background task to automatically correct drift? Don’t spend too much time on the Real-Time Clock, as its not particularly interesting
Data Handling ACS STEIN SD HSK Module Module Card EPS MAG Module Slow Digital HSK HskDataBuff[ ] ACS HSK Module STEIN Module SD Card Transmission Module Fast Digital HSK SteinDataBuff[ ] MagDataBuff[ ] Rest of the presentation is about handling collecting data. Fleshed out more later in the presentation, but the idea is that each module collects its own 512 byte blocks, and buffers them on independent buffer on the SD card. The Telemetry module will be in charge of scheduling/selecting which packet to downlink. Thanks to Seo for color coordination EPS Analog HSK MAG Module
Housekeeping Overview Schedules sampling of analog inputs, EPS values, state of software and peripherals Sample rate 16Hz Packet refresh rate 10 seconds Timestamps and packetizes information for downlink During orbit, the blocks are stored onto the SD card During downlink period, the blocks are directly down-linked at next available opportunity New “recent” block sent approximately every 10 seconds Maintains updated record of EPS solar currents for ACS Sample rate 32 Hz, 6 values so .1875 second refresh rate (16 Hz means that every 16 Hz, the next value is taken from the EPS board value, and the next Slow Housekeeping value is retrieved) When a full 512 blocks is completed, its either stored on the SD card or directly downlinked at the next available opportunity . This occurs approximately every 10 seconds.
Housekeeping Packet Format First 80 bytes “slow digital housekeeping” Timestamp + General program state Actuators Status Power Status ACS/Sun Sensor? MAG Housekeeping, STEIN housekeeping 7 repeated blocks of 60 bytes each Updated ~2 second rate limited by sampling all EPS values) Analog Housekeeping from EPS Analog inputs into microcontroller Fast Digital Housekeeping Torque coils status, Spin Rate, Elevation from ACS SSR state CTM, be very brief about this.
Housekeeping Status Progress: Future: Sampling analog inputs, retrieving EPS, framework for retrieving digital value completed ACS solar current refreshing completed Packetization completed (for now…) Future: CTM finalization*! Digital values filled into framework as they become available Action/Error log (maybe not here) Overflow packets? I2C error handling, testing
Housekeeping Verification Demonstration later in the week?
Command Module Description DMAs uplinked commands from radio into PIC’s DMA RAM Serial UART2 -> DMA RAM By comparing uplink rate against CMD module interrupt rate, we can calculate necessary DMA buffer size (~75 bytes) Sorts commands from DMA RAM into 1 of 2 lists in non DMA RAM: immediate command list or delayed command table Delayed Commands buffered for the duration of the orbit Immediate Commands received and handled “immediately” Initiate downlink, request packet, mode switches, etc. Provides functions for EXEC to access these lists Discuss what DMA means; Commands will just be transferred into memory from the Radio by hardware on the flight board without the CPU having to intervene. Every now and then we check up on the commands, parse them, and distribute them. Parsing/distributing : commands sent to one of two lists, immediate or delayed table.
Originally linked list Command Progress Immediate Command handling completed Implemented as a circular buffer data structure Delayed Commands currently handled as “table” Delayed Packet with entries of 6 bytes Maintains a 4 byte “time field” and a 2 byte “command field” Table “halted”, reloaded, restarted Originally linked list Lots of space overhead for the flexibility of inserting commands in correct temporal location Does not seem necessary/consistent with table structure/large one shot packet uploads Limits number of commands total that can be stored, adds software execution time overhead Sorting more of a ground task anyways? These decisions must still be made Basically if anyone knowledgeable is there, hope to get some input regarding this linked list vs table structure
Command Module Verification
Command Future/Problems Command uplink format finalization How many commands? Space on dsPIC? Sorted? Delayed Command Table manipulation post uplink Deletion Insertion? Modification? Verification/error checking of uplinked commands CRC verification scheme needed? Redundancy? General error handling needed Needs testing under larger data rates
STEIN Module Description Single point of entry for SSR writes Scheduled frequently enough that this makes sense May “absorb” other modules with busy times HSK, MAG blocks Error handling from a single place Retrieve, timestamp, packetize STEIN data from FPGA Force packet writes at minimum every 1 second Hardware timestamp rollover
Able to write blocks (STEIN, MAG, HSK) to SD card STEIN progress Able to write blocks (STEIN, MAG, HSK) to SD card Primitive scheduling system Error handling/reset sequence completed Hard/Soft Reset Retrieval and Packetization of Stein data completed Refer to CTM for Stein packet format One second force needs “hardware support”
Handle potential changes in software requirements from instrument side STEIN Module Future Handle potential changes in software requirements from instrument side Currently just assumes arbitrary 32 bit values, doesn’t parse data at all Change in STEIN packet format, some status bytes/meta data needed? Needs testing with FPGA, STEIN hardware Ensure Stein packet format is acceptable
Magnetometer Description Interacts with MAG through I2C interface to FPGA Initializes hardware Schedules and commands sampling (based on mode) Baseline of 64Hz, divided down for slower sampling Controls mode switching/power settings Via ground command Packetizes data Repeat of status byte, 4 24 bit vectors (1 for each axis and OB temperature) Inboard temperature replacement Maintains shared values for ACS CPD for full details on all the nuances Progress Done “in theory”, but needs testing with real hardware DOUBLE CHECK THIS INBOARD/OUTBOARD REPLACEMENT BUSINESS
Conclusion and Future Tasks Review and finalization of the CTM Will allow finalization of the Housekeeping, Command, Transmission modules Tying modules together Implementation of the EXEC module/command parsing Testing modules together, and with GSEOS Verification of software with hardware IIB, MAG and eventually STEIN Integration of ACS code with FSW Load Module
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