The sisters enjoy lots of time together November 2012 Updates: The sisters enjoy lots of time together
Hahgoot initiated once off to read a bedtime story to Alma Hahgoot initiated once off to read a bedtime story to Alma. She also learned the hard way that stories need to be read interactively or the audience becomes restless...
The girls spent a lot of time playing together: throwing “gogoim” (apricot pits) into containers or playing hide-and-seek.
Sometimes they played physical and active games together (top left) and sometimes they each played at their own pace side by side.
Dancing together was certainly a fun family activity!
Both girls love wild rides around on the swivel “egg chair” ! Alma saw Hahgoot writing letters to friends and asked to make some by herself too
I bought the girls two hula hoops (one rattles when swivelled) and Barak taught them how to do some tricks!
The girls spent some time concentrating on their beads
This beads sorting game turned into an ice cream parlour game
From beads they moved on to the marble run... In our next presentation: More fun together!