Human Resource Planning ORGANIZATIONAL WORKFORCE Presented by Dr. S. Viniba, AP/MBA, SNSCT
Outline of Today’s Class Job Analysis Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017
Job Analysis Job analysis includes two things: Job Description, Job description and job specification. Job Description, is a factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job. It gives an indication of what is to be done, how it is to be done and why it is to be done. Job Specification provides information on the human attributes in terms of education, skills, aptitudes and experience necessary to perform a job effectively. 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017
Types of Information Collected Work activities Human behaviors Human requirements Job context Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids Performance standards Information Collected Via Job Analysis 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017
Uses of Job Analysis Information 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017
Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: The Interview Information Sources Individual employees Groups of employees Supervisors with knowledge of the job Advantages Quick, direct way to find overlooked information Disadvantages Distorted information Interview Formats Structured (Checklist) Unstructured 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017
Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Questionnaires Information Source Have employees fill out questionnaires to describe their job-related duties and responsibilities Questionnaire Formats Structured checklists Open-ended questions Advantages Quick and efficient way to gather information from large numbers of employees Disadvantages Expense and time consumed in preparing and testing the questionnaire 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017
Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Observation Information Source Observing and noting the physical activities of employees as they go about their jobs Advantages Provides first-hand information Reduces distortion of information Disadvantages Time consuming Difficulty in capturing entire job cycle Of little use if job involves a high level of mental activity 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017
Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information: Participant Diary/Logs Information Source Workers keep a chronological diary/ log of what they do and the time spent on each activity Advantages Produces a more complete picture of the job Employee participation Disadvantages Distortion of information Depends upon employees to accurately recall their activities 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017
Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques Position Analysis Questionnaire Functional Job Analysis Quantitative Job Analysis The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Procedures 16BA713 / HRP / Methods of Job Analysis, Skills Analysis / Skill Inventory, Internal & External Mobility Dr. S. Viniba / 10-07-2017