Assemblies Monday 5th June S5/S6 Thursday 8th June (P6 & P7) S3 YPI Friday 9th June S2 Fairtrade
ATTENTION ALL NEW S6 STUDENTS Please come to the Assembly Hall straight after break for important workshop. Thank you
Lasswade High School Concert Band Family Ceilidh Night Saturday 17th of June at Lasswade Rugby club 7:30pm till late Please see the school office, Rhiannon Preston or Michael Sargent for tickets… Adults: £5 Children (under 18): £3
Charity Bake sale!! Friday Morning Break
Group members! LASSWADE FAIR TRADE GROUP New members welcome!!! LASSWADE FAIR TRADE GROUP Group members! More Important Meetings this week! When: Monday and Thursday 1.15pm Where: Room 119 with Miss Steele Bring your lunch!!!
LONDON DANCE TRIP Can all students please attend a meeting on Monday breaktime in the PE Department
S3 Home Economics students are eligible to come to the Highland Show on Thursday 22nd June 2017. Please see Miss Bigley ASAP for an information letter. Extremely limited spaces available so first come first served!
IMPORTANT All STUDENT LOCKERS If you have a school locker including a music locker please make sure it is cleared out and the key returned to the school office no later than Friday 16th June. Any items left in the lockers and unclaimed will be disposed of on 29th June. We must do this to update data held and for general maintenance of lockers. There can be no exceptions to this. Apologies for any inconvenience