Room 111 News Friday January 27, 2017 Important dates: Next week’s Shine student is Justin Tuesday 1/31: Hundreds Day!!!! We need cups! Thursday 2/2: Spelling Test 2/2 and 2/7: Parent-Teacher Conferences Friday 2/3: SPX Family Dance—Super Hero Theme! Save the Date!!! Saturday 3/11: SPX Night in Green auction! Tickets on sale now! Save the Date!!! Important Information: There WILL BE a spelling test next week, List 10! Progress Reports were posted on Monday. Please be sure to view and sign off on your child’s card through School Speak. If you have any difficulties, please contact Mrs. Kolb in the office! Here is her email . This is a great time to offer praise and encouragement! I still have time slots available for conferences. Remember to use the log-in codes that were previously sent home. Check with Mrs. Kolb if you are having difficulty with this, also. The 100th day of school will be Tuesday. Make sure to help your child put together a collection to use in class on this fun day. I would like the children to build 100 cup structures on Tuesday. We hope to work in groups of two! So we need cups! I am looking for volunteers that would be willing to donate the small “Dixie” style cups to our class. Feel free to send them in on Monday or Tuesday. Please send an email if you are able to help. Thanks! We are working on place-value and counting to 120. The students have been practicing counting by tens with different numbers in the ones place, for example 24, 34, 44....94, 104, 114. Anytime they have to count over 100 it gets tricky. Encourage them to pick a number and count up and back by tens! Please remember to send in donations for our Night in Green class basket! A letter went home before Christmas explaining what to do. Our class basket theme is “Craft Beer”. Contact Mrs. Lomonico with any questions. Thanks to all of you that made it to the Art Show. We had a great turn out!! XtraMath scores Name ________________________ _______/100 addition facts _____________/100 subtraction facts