Instructional Assistant Training Resource Jessica Reese
Rational Each year new Instructional Assistants are hired or join new classrooms, often in the middle of the school year. Due to time constraints during the school day, it is often a challenge to orient new staff to the classroom and to train them properly. My project will contain resources for teachers to use with Instructional Assistants for training and for introducing them to specific students in the classroom, behavior plans, IEP goals, student and staff schedules, classroom routines and procedures, and other important information.
Outcomes A resource that assists teacher in putting together a binder of pertinent information for instructional assistants to get started in their classroom and training materials to use during staff meetings.
Survey Results Current Resources Frequent Staff Meetings Goal written on data sheets so IA know what they are probing for ABA/Errorless teaching training with classroom staff ABA Manual Carbone VB video clips Resources from trainings teachers have attended Other teachers and internet Monthly staff meetings with consultants and therapists
Survey Results What would benefit you? Quick references for protocols (ex. mat protocol, accepting no, errorless teaching, first…then…) Relevant courses for IAs to take Updated instructional manual, video clips, and/or detailed ITT sessions How to things that are expected of you to do your job
Survey Results Current Challenges Time for meetings and trainings Time to model strategies and protocols Time to mentor staff New IAs coming to classrooms without knowledge of population IAs not following protocols, behavior plans, or other teacher direction
Project My project consists of 2 PDF files. One file of resources that teachers can download, fill out, and hand to Instructional Assistants to get started. These forms consist of Daily schedules for students and staff, IA responsibilities, student profiles, Individualized Education Program Matrix, Student Learning priorities and support, Daily routines, prompting strategies, Instructional support plans, a form for documenting spontaneous incidents, and a form for problem solving on the fly. Doyle, Mary Beth (2008). The Paraprofessional’s Guide to the Inclusive Classroom: Working as a Team. Baltimore, MD: Brooks Publishing Co.
Project The second file consists of training resources on pairing, pairing with reinforcement, behavior protocols, decreasing prompts, NET overview, ITT, data collection, and teaching protocols. These resources are found in the BCIU #22 ABA Program Training Manual dated July 2008. My project will be showcased on Moddle. Geist, Michelle B.S., BCaBA, Gill, Mary, B.A., BCaBA BCIU #22 ABA Porgram Training Manual July 2008
Suggested Use of Resource Prior to the start of the school year, fill out the forms in the first PDF file for each student. Make a binder for each IA. Remember to update the information as needed. Hold weekly or monthly training sessions with your staff to go over the second file of resources, additional training resources that are relevant to your classroom, mentor IAs, problems solve, and update IAs on new procedures or routines.
Tips for Working with IAs Reflect on your own work style and work preferences and communicate them clearly Determine your program, your students needs, and what can be done by an IA Ask IAs what they feel comfortable and confident that they can do well Observe and coach IAs Provide written plans for IAs Delegate tasks to IAs Create and manage schedules Mange conflicts
Systematic Steps for Supervising Classroom Staff Regularly scheduled staff meeting Assessing IAs performance Provide on going learning opportunities Provide opportunities for problem solving
Training IAs Effective Communication Written protocols Explicit, concrete language Examples and non-examples Modeling Check for understanding