Scenario 12: Giving instructions Resources to support Charlie Taylor’s Improving Teacher Training for Behaviour Behaviour Scenarios Scenario 12: Giving instructions This Scenario has been developed for Initial Teacher Training (ITT) to enable trainees to demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding of behaviour management
Introduction Behaviour2Learn has developed 17 Scenarios focusing on the 8 areas highlighted in the Teaching Agency's document Improving teacher training for behaviour. These are: Personal Style Self-management Reflection School Systems Relationships Classroom Management More Challenging Behaviour Theoretical Knowledge Improving teacher training for behaviour has been developed by Charlie Taylor, the Government’s expert adviser on behaviour, to complement the new Teachers’ Standards that all teachers have to demonstrate from September 2012.
Scenario 12 Giving instructions When you explain to a class what you want them to do, several pupils shout out at once asking for equipment or for help with the task. When you deal with one pupil, others get frustrated and say, “That’s not fair, I asked first”. How can you improve the way this class moves to be on-task more quickly? What do you do?
Key Learning Outcomes Increased skill in giving instructions Practice in the use of voice, stance and choice of position in the room to ensure you communicate with pupils effectively Practice in developing and teaching routines to pupils so that they become more confident in managing their own learning and so that your teaching time is used efficiently. Increased ability to manage behaviour in a range of different situations
What do you do? Consider these responses and choose the best one(s): Gain pupils’ attention and silence by using an established method e.g. clapping a short rhythm which the class claps back. Stand still and check that everyone is listening and can see you and any written instructions. Keep instructions clear and brief. Have your learning objectives and brief written instructions ready. Have all resources to hand. If you forget to include something, or if everyone needs further help, wait until a suitable moment, gain everyone’s attention and explain clearly. Do not shout additional instructions over the noise of the class.
What do you do? continued Give pupils a short time to discuss your instructions in pairs. Invite one pair of pupils to explain the task again briefly to the class. Agree a ground rule that pupils put their hands up and wait quietly if they need attention. Don’t respond immediately to anyone who shouts but do remind them of the rule. Redirect behaviour e.g. say “Thank you for putting your hands up” or “This table have helped each other to begin”. Have a box of rulers, pens etc. for loan to enable pupils to get started. Put one pupil in charge of giving them out and collecting them in and noting for you anyone who is regularly without equipment.
What may be the best choice? All of these strategies will help pupils to take responsibility for their learning behaviour. You should also: Be consistent – so that everyone knows the routine for getting started. Adjust routines for classes with differing group dynamics. Involve pupils in finding the solution to problems with their learning behaviour.
How might you prevent a recurrence? Establish routines which help everyone listen to instructions. Use phrases such as ”What I would like to see is..” or “I am expecting you to..” Plan instructions. Make them explicit and precise. Take account of the needs of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners. Sequence your instructions carefully. Seat pupils who may need help to get started with others who can help them. Praise the class for following ground rules and bringing equipment. If some pupils forget, remind them at the end of the lesson and make your expectations for the next lesson plain.
Underlying Principles Giving explicit instructions which are well sequenced is an essential teaching skill. It is important to establish, with each class, workable routines for receiving instructions and changing activity efficiently. Pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher. Once established, peer coaching can help with the changes of activity in a lesson. Pupils (like adults) vary in their personal organisation skills. Systems for changing activities should take account of this e.g. the change will be interrupted if there is no system for loan of equipment - pupils should be reminded to bring their own equipment next time. Instructions should always be followed up to ensure understanding – particularly for those pupils who are not confident learners and may need extra help. If these pupils know that help will be forthcoming, they will be less likely to call out and disrupt the lesson.
Rights and Responsibilities Effective teaching depends on effective instruction and teachers are responsible for giving clear and appropriate instructions to pupils. Teachers are responsible for planning their lessons and this includes planning the instructions that they will give to pupils. Pupils have the responsibility always to behave with consideration for the learning of the group and should be given opportunities to exercise this responsibility. Pupils who are under-confident with their ability to carry out learning tasks should be taught how to be patient and have the right to expect extra help. Pupils have the right to learn in a secure and safe environment, knowing what to do because they have been given clear understandable instructions.
Activities to try When drawing up a lesson plan, write out and rehearse the instructions you will give. Try them out and note pupils’ responses. When you give instructions, try standing in different places in the room, varying the volume and tone of your voice and using a variety of visual aids in order to find the strategies which are most effective in your context. If pupils appear not to have understood what you want them to do, take time to find out why and note ways in which you can improve your skill in giving instructions. Ask a colleague to observe you teaching with a focus on the way in which you give instructions. Discuss “What went well” and “Even better if …”
Conclusions Giving clear instructions is an essential teaching skill and one which requires practice. It is also important to ensure that all pupils have what they need to do their work. The aim is to maximise the learning opportunities in a lesson and avoid distractions which waste time and cause pupils to lose focus. To achieve this, it is essential to manage the beginning and end of the lesson, and the transitions within it, so that pupils settle quickly to engage in learning activities. Teachers should learn and apply routines and techniques that will deal effectively with pupils who habitually ask for equipment or clarification and so disrupt, or delay, the start of an activity.
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