International projects at school Základní škola T. G. Masaryka Mnichovice Czech Republic International projects at school Marcela Erbeková Headteacher
Introduction Public school 330 children from 6 to 15 In a small town Mnichovice (25 km from Prague)
Our experience with projects Comenius eTwinning 2005 – 2006 Revealing proverbs 2006 – 2007 Our schools and subjects 2007 - 2008 Famous people/Who am I? 2007 – 2008 Tolerance and bullying 2008 – 2009 Neighbours for a ye@r 2009 – 2010 Am@ze me with your eTwinning eye 2004 – 2007 TRACHIGAMES (Traditional Children Games) 2007 – 2009 GYEC (Growing Young European Citizens) 2010 – 2012 G.U.E.S.S (Gardens Unite European Seeds of Succes)
The main steps for succesful international projects at school Part of school curiculum - not only interesting afterschool activity Extra lessons for eTwinning or Comenius project Activity of whole school - not only one teacher Team: Coordinator – headteacher – teachers’ staff International meeting - not only a trip Participation as many pupils and teachers as possible
Benefits and difficulties motivation for learning (language and ICT skills) team cooperation (pupils – teachers – parents - other community) inspiration and motivation for next work experience new partnerships extra money for Comenius projects Quality labels for good eTwinning projects how to explain: „international project is a part of school curiculum“ extra work for teachers extra work for accounters management of international meetings for pupis (accommodation, programme) a lot of small things…
What are the most important parts for succesful international projects at school?
Headteachers who support international projects at schools Hardworking, motivated and strong teachers Headteachers who support international projects at schools Excited children Support from Comenius and eTwinning programme