The school-led system: Where next? Roger Pope, Chair of NCTL
Where are we now with the school-led system? Where are we going? What can we do to support you?
ITT The school-led system Excellent school for every child NCTL Teaching Schools Council College of Teaching Foundation for Educational Leadership Teaching School Alliances (Multi-Academy Trusts) Excellent school for every child NCTL ITT School improvement Leadership Schools below standard System leaders RSCs Ofsted
Teaching School Alliance System leadership Multi-Academy Trust Teaching School Alliance NLEs NLGs SLEs National Support School
A self-improving school system Good Grow the top can improve themselves school-to-school support cannot improve themselves intervention Not good enough
The school-led system: progress in numbers Teaching schools Up to 200 700
The school-led system: progress in numbers National Leaders of Education (NLEs) Up to 400 1,134 1,200
The school-led system: progress in numbers School-led initial teacher training
The future of teacher training 2014: Sir Andrew Carter independent review, report published in January 2015 2015: In response to Sir Andrew Carter’s recommendations, 3 commissions from the DfE: 1) Independent working group chaired by Stephen Munday to develop core ITT framework 2)Teaching Schools Council to develop standards for school-based ITT mentors 3) Expert group chaired by Tom Bennett to develop core content on behaviour management in ITT (feeding into core ITT framework)
TOTAL NPQS 21,423 National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) NPQH 3,237 NPQML 9,590 TOTAL NPQS 21,423 NPQSL 8,596
Great leaders at the heart of our system • Teaching School Alliances (TSAs) & Multi- Academy Trusts (MATs) developing training • Reform of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) • Encourage leaders to work in challenging schools • Excellence in Leadership Fund • Support for under-represented groups
School-led improvement: prevent underperformance move from good to great • Responsibility for ‘SI’ from LAs → school leaders • Coverage of system leaders across the country • Designation of system leaders • Improve incentives and brokerage • School-to-school support funding • Increase sponsors • Achieving Excellence Areas
Tackling underperformance in the system: ‘Achieving Excellence Areas’ Building capacity in areas where educational performance is weak, and there is neither the capacity or infrastructure locally to drive improvement Working with local leaders, the DfE will pilot a targeted approach from September 2016 in up to 10 designated AEA areas
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