Unit 11 Scientific Achievements
Warming up These are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world. Which one do you think is the most important ? Why? Electricity The internet Cloning Aeroplanes The Theory of Gravity Nuclear science Solar energy …
Achievement Importance/Reasons Electricity possible to invent computers, telephone, TVs etc possible to work at night The Internet provides education and entertainment let people know news and other important information Cloning may help us find cures for diseases may help couples who can’t have children Aeroplanes Mail and goods can be sent /People can travel across the world
Achievement Importance/Reasons The Theory of Gravity helped people understand the world Helped advance science Nuclear science can produce energy can advance science Solar energy clean and safe energy source, can help reduce pollution may help build a cleaner and safer future
2. Do these achievements have anything in common? If so, what? Change the way we live. Help us understand things we couldn’t understand before. Lead to new discoveries and advances in science. Help us develop society. Make life better/easier/more enjoyable/more complicated/worse
Listening Words Speaker Achievement “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong first man on the moon “Mr. Watson, _________; I want you.” Alexander Graham Bell first telephone call “QWERTYUIOP” Ray Tomlinson first e-mail message come here
Listening Can you explain Tomlinson’s message? “QWERTYUIOP” are the first keys on a keyboard. When Tomlinson wanted to send a test message, he simply typed in the first letters on his keyboard.
Listen to part 2 and complete the sentences below. 1.The words “____________” are famous because they are the ____ _____ of The Constitution of the United States of America. 2.Eureca is a word from the ______language and means _____________. 3.If you ask a father, he might say:______. If you ask a mother, she might say:______. We, the people First words Greek I have found it Daddy Mommy
What would you say if you were …? A. the first person on Mars B. the first cloned human being C. the first person to travel in time
Pre-reading Work in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions : 1.If you wanted to do research or start a hi-tech company, what kind of support and environment would you need? 2.Have you ever been to zhongguancun? What attracts you most there?
1.Which is not true about Zhongguancun? A. It is located in Haidian District, in northwestern Beijing. B. It was set up as a special economic zone in the 1990s. C. Half of companies are doing IT business. D. It is not a good place for new hi-tech companies.
2. Xiang yufang returned to China and opened a company in Zhongguancun because ___. A. He wanted to see more of the world. B. He enjoyed working with the best scientists in his field. C. He could enjoy his work and contribute to his country at the same time. D. He only missed his friends and family.
3. How many people who work at Zhongguancun have a master’s degree or above?
4. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? A. chemical element for curing cancer. B. Long March rocket series. C. humanoid robot. D. clone technology. 5.According to the author, what is becoming increasingly popular in china? A. the internet B. robot C. space flight D. genetics
6. According to the text, how does China rejuvenate the nation? A. by solving the mysteries of life. B. by e-volution. C. by exploring space. D. by science and education.
7. According to the author, Zhongguancun is home to _____. A. only a few research institutions and universities b. several IT companies C. more and more returned overseas Chinese D. a number of science parks
8. What would be another proper title for passage 2? A. The Chinese Space Agency B. The Breakthrough in Fighting Cancer C. the Great Achievements in Science and Technology D. The Development of Super Computer “Shenwei”.
9.How is “failure” understood in Zhongguancun? A. There are fewer failures in Zhongguancun. B. Some of its researchers and scientists will try hard not to fail. C. There are more failures than successes. D. The best thing about failure is what you learn every time you fail.
10. The word “boom” in para. 1 of the second text means __. A. victory B. success C. progress D. prosperity
Key to Post-reading Exercise(P4) 1.a,b,c 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.c
Language Study Answers to Exercise 1: 1.a 5.c 2.c 6.b 3.b 7.b 4.a 8.c
Grammar Answers to Exercise 2 construct-construction connect-connection attract-attraction act-action collect-collection direct-direction express-expression invent-invention produce-production protect-protection suggest-suggestion impress-impression
Grammar Answers to Exercise 2 celebrate-celebration communicate-communication educate-education graduate-graduation pollute-pollution contribute-contribution combine-combination admire-admiration examine-examination transport-transportation explore-exploration Imagine-imagination
Answers to Exercise 3 invisible non-conductor disappearance interaction disagreement international misunderstanding unexpected dishonesty illogical enlargement unforgettable impossibility replacement reconsideration unsuccessful
Answers to Exercise 4: showcases=show+ case+ s breakthrough=break+ through+ s bioengineering=bio+ engineer+ ing outstanding=out+ stand+ ing enable=en+ able Indirectly=in+ direct+ ly strengthened=strength+ en+ ed
Integrating Skills Field Achievement Importance Space exploration Long March Rocket, man in space Send satellites into space, learn more about space Genetic research New kind of rice, human genome Improve agriculture, cure new disease Computer engineering Shenwei supercomputer Run large programs, perform difficult operations Medical science Element to fight cancer cells Help people with cancer
workbook Answers to the exercise (Part 1) 1.Yang Liwei’s mission lasted 21 hours. 2.Yang Liwei’s mission was made possible by the team of scientists that have developed the Long March Rocket an the Shenzhou 5 Space Capsule.
3. his family his background what he had seen his training 4.Yang Liwei said that he had not seen the Great Wall.
Practising Answers to exercise 1 1.Mark 2.support 3.March 4.masters 5.support 6.marks 7.marched/are marching 8.battle 9.has mastered 10.battle Answers to Exercise 2: 1.private 2.rely 3. aim 4. evolution 5.base 6.solar 7.institute
Answers to Exercise 3: 1.the Constitution is the fundamental law of a country 2.the Chinese government has established more than 50 state-level economic and technological development zones 3.the house would be perfect 4.you will get a 7-day free trip to Europe for two provided by the Youth Travel Agency
5.My luggage is very heavy 6.it is necessary to make a law to stop the trade in human organs 7.we must rely on science and technology 8.he always puts forward new demands 9.aiming at improving farmers’living standards
Grammar Answers to exercise 1: Group1:mankind,breakthrough Group2:manned,manly,daily,likely,liked, achievement, achieved, researcher, researched, arrangement, arranged, failure, failed, announcement, announced
Answers to Exercise 2: 1.telephone,telegraph,telescope, television 2.transaction,transport,transplant 3.biochemistry, bioengineering Answers to Exercise 3: 1.S “sub-” means “under” 2.D the first “im-” means “into”, the second “im-” means “not” 3.S “in-” and “im-”both means “not” 4.D the first “ex-” means “out”, and the second “ex-” means “former” 5.”ed” changes a verb (man, excite) into an adj/ past participle
Answers to Exercise 4: help helpful给予帮助的;有用的 helpless 无助的;无用的 care careful 仔细的;小心的 careless 粗心的;草率的 use useful 有用的;有效的 useless 无用的;无效的 power powerful 强壮的;强大的 powerless 无力量的;无效力的 meaning meaningful 有意义的;有目的的 meaningless 无意义的,无目的的
Answers to Exercise 5: 1.difference patience importance absence distance presence independence science 2.darkness blindness deaf/deafness happiness willingness usefulness bitterness liveliness greatness carelessness fairness sickness 3.ability activity equality generosity popularity possibility disability creativity personality curiosity similarity electricity
Integrating skills Answers to Exercise 1: 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b