to Your Library! 3 or 4 people to a table, please
Today… Library Orientation Your FIRST Book Checkout!!! About the library Your FIRST Book Checkout!!!
Who IS the Librarian, anyway?
About Ms. Layne Teacher for 11 years: French, English, and ESL 1st year as a Librarian Favorites: languages, cats, reading, swimming/surfing, and gardening Goal: to make libraries more International while helping students become bilingual/multilingual
How do I help? Book selection Research Projects Computer questions Computer training Fun programs!
When is the Library Open? 7:50am to 4:00pm
When and how do you come to the library? During the day (with a pass) A few minutes before and after school During class (with a pass), but PLEASE be patient.
About Book Checkout…
“Do I need a library card?” “How many books can I take out at once?” “How long can I keep a book?” “What happens if a book gets lost?”
You will also visit the Library… Different than Elementary School Teachers request library time Be a reader!
What kind of “stuff” does the Library have?
Technology for Research and other School work… Library Website! Ready reference page: 12 computers Internet Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, etc. Online Database: Destiny Black & White printers
Books for School Assignments and read Just for Fun… 6,785 E-books Topics such as…
A Quick Tour… Fiction Reference Non-fiction Biographies Audio Books Graphic novels Favorite series Mysteries, Historical Fiction, etc. Reference Dictionaries Encyclopedias Non-fiction Sports, cars, countries, animals, historical events, etc. Biographies Audio Books
Ridiculously Simple RULES… 6 Ridiculously Simple RULES…
# 1 All other school rules also apply in the library. Absolutely NO: lateness, food, drink, coats, electronic devices, etc.
No whispering/talking No profanity/disrespectful language # 2 Don’t be RUDE! No calling out No whispering/talking No profanity/disrespectful language Be nice to each other!
No hitting, poking, pushing, etc. (even if you’re “just playing”) # 3 No violence of any kind! No hitting, poking, pushing, etc. (even if you’re “just playing”)
# 4 Treat objects in the Library with care & respect. No drawing on desks No tearing books Follow computer usage rules
Be on time and ready to read # 5 Be on time and ready to read
Return all library books on time or early. # 6 Return all library books on time or early.
In case you forget… RESPECT All 6 library rules can be summarized with ONE word… RESPECT
Consequences… Warning Call home Detention Loss of library privileges
Hope you paid attention! It’s time for a POP QUIZ!
How to Choose the Right Book… Ask for a suggestion Use Destiny Scan the shelves Read the summary
“Scavenger Hunt” Work together! Sit down when you find the book that fits.
Start the year off right-- READ!
Welcome to our Library! Ms. Layne Librarian Lucille Brown Middle School