Environmental Health Khizar Nabeel Ali Noise Pollution Environmental Health Khizar Nabeel Ali
Pollution Pollution means any contamination of air, soil, water and environment. Even loud noise and sound is also part of pollution
Noise Pollution In simple terms, noise is unwanted sound. Sound that is unwanted or disrupts ones quality of life such as working, sleeping, and during conversations is called as Noise. When there is lot of noise in the environment, it is termed as noise pollution.
Properties of sound Sound is a sensation caused in the ear by the vibration of the surrounding air or other medium. Loudness/Intensity: It depends on the amplitude of vibration and measured in decibels [dB].
Measurement of Noise
Sources of Noise Pollution Outside Construction Road traffic Airport Factories / Industries Inside Phone TV’s / radio Appliances Power tool / generators lawn movers etc Main sources is due to increasing population and urbanization.
Health Effects Actually we hear with our brains, not with our ears alone Ear cells send impulses to brain Ear cells are extremely delicate Damage to ear cells can result in hearing loss Trauma – permanent Noise induced damage - gradually become permanent. Exposure & Time based
Health Effects According to the USEPA, there are direct links between noise and health. Also, noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people Noise pollution can damage physiological and psychological health. High blood pressure, stress related illness, sleep disruption, hearing loss, and productivity loss are the problems related to noise pollution. It can also cause memory loss, severe depression, and panic attacks.
Other Problems of Noise Pollution Hearing impairment Mental illness Digestive problems Temporary or permanent deafness Aggressive behavior Sleep interference Stress High blood pressure
EFFECT OF NOISE ON PUBLIC HEALTH Globally, some 120 million people are estimated to have disabling hearing difficulties. In the USA in 1990 about 30 million people were daily exposed to a daily occupational noise level above 85 dB (production and manufacturing industries). In Germany, noise-related hearing impairment that results in 20% or more reduction in earning ability in 1993, nearly 12 500 new such cases were registered.
Noise standard of Pakistan In Pakistan there is no legislation to deal with the noise emanating from railways engines , air craft or industrial or construction activity. Public complaint are often received by federal & provincial environment protection agencies. in absence of national standard for noise . These agencies are handicapped to take any legal action. The situation is getting worse with increasing in traffic density on city roads.
Pak-EPA The Pakistan environmental protection agency (PAK-EPA) exercising its power under clause (d) of section 6(1) of the Pakistan environmental protection ordinance (PEPO), 1983 with approval of established national environmental quality standards (NEQS) for motor vehicles exhausted and noise.
National standards for noise limits No national standards for noise limits prescribed for residential area, industrial area , commercial area or silence zone . No national survey has been conducted to assess noise level in cities. However random tests in different cities showed that the noise level in most of the areas was high as 70-90 dB much higher the acceptable limits.
WHO Guideline on Community Noise, 1999 Sound levels greater than 100 dB should be limited in duration and frequency Impulse noise exposure should never exceed 140 dB in adults 120 dB in children Levels greater than 165 dB, even for a few milliseconds, are likely to cause acute cochlear damage (WHO Guideline on Community Noise, 1999)
Damaging levels of other sound
Effects on Animals Damage to hearing Can reduce chances of survival Kangaroo rat Physiological response Harmony imbalance Chronic stress Behavioral response Pains & Escape behavior Responses Result in: Decrease Food intake Loss of energy Abandonment of offspring injury
Effect on marine life Marine Mammals use Echolocations Sonar Explosive testing Whales & Dolphins Death occurring Beaching Themselves Military sonar has been responsible for the deaths of possibly thousands of dolphins and whales.
Solution for Noise Pollution
Solution for Noise Pollution These are the set of strategies to reduce pollution from noise Avoid or limit your time in noisy areas. Check home appliances regularly. Use silencer in motor bikes. Regular service and tuning of vehicles.
Solution for Noise Pollution Plants are “Buffers” against noise pollution. So increased plantation can reduce noise pollution Buildings can be designed with suitable noise absorbing material for the walls, windows, and ceilings. Workers should be provided with equipments such as ear plugs and earmuffs for hearing protection.
Solution for Noise Pollution Lubrication of machinery parts to reduce noise Legislation against use of horns and loud speakers especially in crowded areas Airports and factories should be located away from residential areas
Solution for Noise Pollution Community development or urban management should be done with long-term planning, along with an aim to reduce noise pollution. Social awareness programs should be taken up to educate the public about the causes and effects of noise pollution. Role of Public health Professionals
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