Red Roses Vs. White Roses By: Eddie Crowe WAR OF THE ROSES Red Roses Vs. White Roses By: Eddie Crowe
Family Affair 1455: The time of the middle ages. The hundred year’s war was the battle for the French Throne. As a holt to the war or during the war. The War Of the Roses is a Family affair between York and Lancaster. These two families were fighting for the English throne. Each of the families wore roses on there garments and shields. These were known as the; Red Roses: Lancaster White Roses: York This is Called War of the Roses. . . . . . .
Battle Winners Part 1 First Battle at St. Albans ( White Roses) Battle of Blore Heath ( White Roses) Battle of Ludford Bridge ( Red Roses) Battle of Northampton ( White Roses) Battle of Wakefield ( Red Roses) Battle of Mortimer’s Cross ( White Roses) Second Battle of St. Albans ( Red Roses)
Battle Winners Part 2 Skirmish at Ferry bridge (Draw) Battle of Towton ( White Roses) Battle of Hedgelev ( White Roses) Battle of Hexham ( White Roses) Battle of Edgecoat (Red Roses) Battle of Loosecoat ( White Roses)
Battle Winners Part 3 Battle of Barnet ( White Roses) Battle of Tewkesbury ( White Roses) Battle of Bosworth ( Red Roses) Final Battle of Stoke Field ( Red Roses)
Red Roses Are Victorious! Red Roses Win the English Throne. So the White Roses won many of the battles but lost the war. That’s The End of My PowerPoint Presentation. . . . . .