„Live with passion - seeking, explore, follow” „Erasmus+ is the EU programme to support education, training youth and sport. „Live with passion - seeking, explore, follow” will be realized in the 2015 – 2017 school year.
This is not our first European project. Primary School No. 15 has taken part in 4 projects before. Our students and teachers have the opportunity to exchange experiences and get to know the schools from: Finland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Romania and Spain.
The previous projects. The current project.
Our project Erasmus partners Grottammare in Italy Sitia in Greece
Information about 3rd Primary School of Sitia, Crete There are 305 students aged between 4 and 12 years old and 24 teachers. The strong attachment to tradition, personal development and the approach to school as a big family - there are distinguishing characteristic of this school. The most students grow up in the low-income families. Some of them are adopted. Many children work to help their parents.
3rd Primary School of Sitia, Crete 3rd Primary School of Sitia is the most experienced institution in EU projects in eastern Crete. It is located in a rural area, whose economy is based on tourism and agriculture. Sitia (Greek: Σητεία) is a port town and a municipality in Lasithi, Crete, Greece. It is located in the beautiful natural area covered by the program 'Natura 2000'.
Information about the school in Grottamare, Italy Comprehensive School "G. Leopardi” is the complex of public institutions consisting of preschool, primary school and secondary school. There are 1444 students.
Comprehensive School "G. Leopardi„ The Italian school is located near the Adriatic Sea. The students come from families with different socio-economic background. Our partners from Grottammare also have extensive experience in the European projects. They have collaborated with many countries, including: France, England, Spain, North Africa (campaign of solidarity with the Saharawi inhabitants) and Mato Grosso.
„Live with passion - seeking, explore, follow” The project goals and objectives: The project will involve the whole school community and will be realized during the lessons and extracurricular activities. The main aim of the project is the implementation of the permanent changes in the teaching process: leading classes using the workshop method (the most important is a practice-based learning); helping and supporting students to discover and develop their passions (certain interests our students could be the most important and significant in their adulthood);
motivating students to improve their language proficiency, developing computer and language skills by working in the international teams; making the international contacts an early stage; promoting independence and self-reliance among children; teaching students creativity and problem-solving methods; follow their own paths toward success.
The general work plan school year 2015/2016 Introduction to the Erasmus plan and activities related to the project. (September 2015) Analysis of the questionnaire addressed to parents – ”My child’s interests and passions” .(September 2015) Getting to know each other – preparing the presentations relating to country, region, cities, schools (using multimedia) (October 2015) Creating the mind maps about „Passions that unite us" (October 2015)
The general work plan school year 2015/2016 Making contact between the students of partner schools (exchange mailing addresses, contact with skype, portal e-pals). (November 2015) Creating a portfolio about passions. Searching for colleagues with similar hobbies (among students from partner schools) (November 2015) Working visit of project coordinators and directors of schools from Italy, Greece and Poland in Olsztyn, Poland. (November 2015) Making international groups considering passions, interests. Creating logos, anthems, choosing patrons and writing their profiles. Students point to the group leader and create the subsites on the school websites (December 2015/ January2016)
The general work plan school year 2015/2016 Running the workshops concerning passions (for example workshops: photographic culinary, sports, English, arts, theatrical, journalist, touristic, scientific). Identification of potential mentors. Writing a meeting schedule. (January 2016 – June 2016) Leading workshops (systematically) according to plan. (November 2015 - June 2016) Organizing sporting events in the gym (students + parents + teachers) (once during the school year).
The general work plan school year 2015/2016 Welcoming students (from Greece, Italy) to Poland. Integration students during the common workshops. Meetings with enthusiasts. (May 2016) Student as an expert – conducting classes about passions (April 2016 – June 2016) Presenting collections at the school exhibition.(January 2016 – June 2016)
Learning about new passions Each school that participates in the project have proposed an unknown passion: Poland – Indiaca (playing game); Italy– Ebru (painting on water); Greece – Robotics (steering robots).
Thank you for your attention We invite you to participate in our project Erasmus + We count on your kindness and cooperation Thank you for your attention Ewa Kopacka Agnieszka Reut Ewa Strzyżewska