Mrs. Hake’s Friday, march 10th edition CLASSROOM 2016-2017 news Sneak Peak Week in Review: at Next Week This week we learned all about fairy tales. It was an excellent time to practice story elements such as characters, setting, problem, and conclusion. We read many fairy tales as a class and in our guided reading groups. We also worked on comparing and contrasting stories. We wrote rainbow words with fairy wands and measured fairy tale items using nonstandard units of measure such as bears, unifix cubes, and paper clips. We modeled addition and subtraction using jewels, and we were awesome fairy tale characters on Friday! Tues. Star Student: Greyson Wed. Star Student: Christian Tues. Scientist: Rowan Thur. Scientist: Vinncent Theme of the Week: St. Patrick’s Day Vowel friends: u silent e words say u like in cube Sci/Social Studies: holidays Math: subtraction/money Rainbow words: six/purple Contact info: Upcoming Events: March 21 – Dayton Dragons Assembly 2:30-3:00 March 22 & 23 – Kindergarten Screening for INCOMING kindergarteners Kari Hake 937-667-2275
out six purple Rainbow WORDS Tastin’ O the Greens! On Friday, March 17th we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by having a “Tastin’ O the Greens”. Each child is to bring in some type of green food to share. The food should be cut into 24 bite size pieces. We are only tasting each food, so we won’t need a whole celery stick, apple, etc. We will have fun sampling the green foods, and may even try something we’ve never had before. Try to be creative so that we can taste as many different foods as possible and please no junk food (cupcakes, cookies, candy etc.). Thanks for your help with this fun day. Read fairy tales to your child and compare how they are the same and different Discuss story elements (setting, characters, plot, and conclusion) as you read stories. Have children read their level or bag-a-book to you and retell in sequence Sound out to write three sentences about a given topic – try about your favorite fairy tale Measure items in your house using paper clips, beans, etc. Take advantage the nice weather and write rainbow words in sidewalk chalk Read, Read, Read Rainbow WORDS Trace, cut, practice: six out purple