Game Plan 2017 Marketing
Collaboration Creates Innovation We only have one department. We hang out after work. We go to lunch together. We talk, keeping the communication alive. We stay as agile as a small business while we grow. Tech Data Creative US
Landing Page Optimization In this slide there is a background placeholder. Click to the small icon on the center of the slide and choose an image from computer. When add an image, you must sent it to back with Right Click on Image -> Send to Back -> Send to Back. Landing Page Optimization
Don Kindred Raz Mocanu Bo Etchison Mary Killingsworth Tech & Creative Brand & Graphics Audio & Video Data & Content Design/Development Your great subtitle in this line Insights What we’re addressing 40.5% of content size is images Quote form requires separate load CTA blends in Only one CTA, not always visible ~35% of content is trust pilot or tracking SEO Issues: 404 errors & 503 errors Blog not integrated Design/Development Your great subtitle in this line Insights What we’re addressing 1-855-832-5644 40.5% of content size is images Quote form requires separate load CTA blends in Only one CTA, not always visible ~35% of content is trust pilot or tracking SEO Issues: 404 errors & 503 errors Blog not integrated
First & Best in Search Ads Distributed Partner Model AMS Big Wins Our Entire History in Only Five Wins 2 Page Phone Book Ads Marketing End of Lifecycle First & Best in Search Ads Marketing End of Lifecycle Sparrow Reports Technology End of Lifecycle Sparrow Phone Engine Technology Middle of Lifecycle Distributed Partner Model Business Development Evergreen We need a new marketing competitive advantage before we fall behind the pack.
A new focus on external marketing Four Key Areas A new focus on external marketing Branding Partnership Micro-Targeting Stronger Brand Controls Lead Gen Social Media Video Advertising, Esp. Facebook Continued Form Improvement Post-Lead Interactive Packing Pages Transactional Emails/Texts Reputation integration revision
Partner diversification Facebook Video Ads Partner diversification Better Targeting Many audiences including those planning to move. Flexible Pricing Pay by impression or by video view (10 sec.+). Testing Single-variable testing with no audience overlap. More Ad Products Facebook owns Instagram and continues to grow.
Partnership Micro-Targeting It just makes more sense Better Targeting Why target the entire state when you can target a neighborhood? 1 More Affordable We could spend $15k per branch for the price of the Cowboys contract. That’s 3-5 schools at $3k-5k. 2 More Personal Our customers are established. They have kids, nieces and nephews, and grandkids. They’ll be at the game, so why aren’t we? 3 Focused on the Slow Season As the season gets slow, our partnership branding ramps up. This can extend the life of the busy season greatly. 4 More Consistent with our Brand You may love your favorite sports team, but not as much as your kids. So do we, so we support their athletics. 5 Should Be Tax-Deductible You know what’s even better than value-added partnerships? Value-added, tax-deductible partnerships. 6 Testing Planned for Houston & Greenville
Targeted & Interactive Content Content to Share. Content to Convert. Interactive Content Saved The Washington Post. With declining readership, few news publishers have grown like The Washington Post. Owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, The Post has grown digital subscriptions by 145% over the past year. They’ve done this by creating and pushing content with real value, especially content that is novel or exciting. This is what we must do. More: Cycling Steel Crisis ISS Budget
A new tool to build efficiency A new tool to build efficiency Efficient Customer Engagement Measuring Success Unified Social Media
Remember Our Roots While We Grow Twin Branding Remember Our Roots While We Grow Major Partnerships Food Banks Cozy Feelings Film/TV Presence Other Commercials Local National Aspirational High Schools Radio Luxury Category Targeting
Taking advantage of our success National Presence Taking advantage of our success Paper Towns
Taking advantage of our success National Presence Taking advantage of our success Joan & Melissa: Joan Knows Best?
Taking advantage of our success National Presence Taking advantage of our success Jimmy Kimmel Live
Unified Look & Feel One Brand One Vision