The Eduskunta, the parliament of Finland Transferring information from national documentation system to IPEX with XML. 11.9.2018
11.9.2018 National documentation system: - COM/SEC code is documentated in national documentation system by secrerariat of the Grand Committee (manual work). - Daily at 9 pm automatic run on national system to check COM/SEC codes (handshake) -> New codes are sent to IPEX (XML transfer) - If an IPEX-dossier related to COM/SEC number could not be found, the system sends an automatic error message.
11.9.2018 IPEX Eduskunta dossier related to COM/SEC-code updates to IPEX automatically both on English and French sites (XML-transfer) Makes a link to Eduskunta’s (Finnish) website. Doesn’t provide any additional information or update ”Scrutiny progress” bar once the link is automatically updated.
11.9.2018 Eduskunta’s website Automatically generated IPEX link takes to scrutiny information page on website (In Finnish). Committees’ staments and U affairs are also available in Swedish.
11.9.2018 Manual updates: Any additional information has to be updated manually. Information on parliamentary scrutiny, attached files, scrutiny progress etc. Subsidiarity concerns / reasoned opinions is the usual case when manual updates are needed. Automatically generated broken links are also corrected manually (not very often -> it’s crucial that COM/SEC-number is typed correctly in national documentation system.