Essential Elements of Instruction Highlights of EEI The Science of Teaching Madeline Hunter
What qualities does a good teacher possess? Question? What qualities does a good teacher possess?
Art vs. Science of Teaching Total Teaching Act Instructional Skills Task Analysis Teach to the Objective Closure The Art in Teaching will be your own personality/style/demeanor.
Total Teaching Act (TTA) Human Relations Skills Instructional Skills Classroom Management Skills Knowledge of Content Use and Selection of Appropriate Material Planning Skills
From the Total Teaching Act, which is the most important skill?
The most important skills are the Instructional Skills The most important skills are the Instructional Skills! Other TTA skills are important, and they are developmental.
Instructional Skills SELECT an objective at the appropriate level of difficulty. TEACH to the objective. MAINTAIN the focus of the learner on the learning. USE without abuse the Principles of Learning. MONITOR and adjust.
Select an objective at the appropriate level of difficulty? Task Analysis: A system of factoring the terminal (final) objective into it’s essential enroute learnings. Steps in Task Analysis: Identify a terminal objective: State Standards. Brainstorm for possible enroute learning. Weed Out nonessentials. Sequence if necessary. Form diagnostic questions.
Teach to the Objective EXPLANATION: Definitions Process or steps Examples Models Modeling Content
Teach to the Objective QUESTIONING: Purpose Strategy Types: Individual (Sampling) Whole Groups Open Ended, Affective, Opinion and Thinking Questions. In what ways (IWW) and How many ways (HMW).
Teach to the Objective RESPONDING: Responding to the learner in terms of the learning. Purpose? Frequency?
Teach to the Objective ACTIVITY: Purpose Types: Guided Independent (unguided).
Maintain the Focus of the Learner on the Learning Those things the teacher does to establish and keep the attention of the learner on learning. Components: Anticipatory Set. Closure. Active Participation.
Maintain the focus of the learner on the learning… Anticipatory Set: Purpose Elements: Statement of learning. Involvement of the learner. Relate learning to past, present, or future learning. (Wong, Jones, and Hunter) Concepts align.
Maintain the focus of the learner on the learning… Closure: Purpose Elements: Summary of the learning. Involve the learner.
Maintain the focus of the learner on the learning… Active Participation: Purpose Types: Covert Behavior – Body language, facial expressions, time on task, etc. Overt Behavior – Observable learning, responses, oral and written participation, etc.
Use Without Abuse the Principles of Learning Program for Effective Teaching: Motivation Retention Reinforcement Transfer Principles may be used in any order!
Use without abuse the principles of learning… MOTIVATION: Interest – develop student interest. Success – create successful activities. Feeling tone – be positive in voice control. Knowledge of results – student achievement. Tension – Be aware of students cognition. Rewards – Success.
Use without abuse the principles of learning… RETENTION: Meaning – Students understand concept. Practice – Drill. Degree of Original Learning – Maintain +. Transfer – Integrated learning. Feeling Tone – Positive. Modeling – Student practice and activities.
Use without abuse the principles of learning… REINFORCEMENT: Positive Negative Extinction – Teacher destroys learning. Schedule – regular or intermittent.
Use without abuse the principles of learning… TRANSFER: Positive – Authentic integration with other content areas. Negative – No transfer of knowledge.
Use without abuse the principles of learning… Four factors that help to generate positive or negative transfer: Similarity: Analogies - Comparisons. Association: Integrated concepts. Degree of original learning: depth-breadth. Identification of critical attributes: key elements.
Monitor and Adjust Observe students overt and covert behaviors. (Hunter) Differentiate instruction as necessary. (Fogarty) Use classroom management skills. (Wong) Work the room. (Jones)
Instructional Skills WOW Backward Design SELECT an objective at the appropriate level of difficulty. TEACH to the objective. MAINTAIN the focus of the learner on the learning. USE without abuse the Principles of Learning. MONITOR and adjust.
Select an objective at the appropriate level of difficulty? *Differentiated Instruction *Multiple Intelligences *Visual Literacy WOW /Backward Design (see slides 10-14) Select an objective at the appropriate level of difficulty? Task Analysis: A system of factoring the terminal (final) objective into it’s essential enroute learnings. Steps in Task Analysis: Identify a terminal objective: State Standards. Brainstorm for possible enroute learning. Weed Out nonessentials. Sequence if necessary. Form diagnostic questions.
Maintain the Focus of the Learner on the Learning *Differentiated Instruction *Multiple Intelligences *Visual Literacy WOW /Backward Design (see slides 15-18) Maintain the Focus of the Learner on the Learning Those things the teacher does to establish and keep the attention of the learner on learning. Components: Anticipatory Set. Closure. Active Participation.
Use Without Abuse the Principles of Learning *Differentiated Instruction *Multiple Intelligences *Visual Literacy (see slides 19-23) WOW /Backward Design (see slides 19,22) Use Without Abuse the Principles of Learning Program for Effective Teaching: Motivation Retention Reinforcement Transfer Principles may be used in any order!
USE WITHOUT ABUSE THE PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING… *Differentiated Instruction *Multiple Intelligences *Visual Literacy WOW /Backward Design USE WITHOUT ABUSE THE PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING… Four factors that help to generate positive or negative transfer: Similarity: Analogies - Comparisons. Association: Integrated concepts. Degree of original learning: depth-breadth. Identification of critical attributes: key elements.
*Multiple Intelligences *Differentiated Instruction *Multiple Intelligences *Visual Literacy WOW /Backward Design Monitor and Adjust Observe students overt and covert behaviors. (Hunter) Differentiate instruction as necessary. (Fogarty) Use classroom management skills. (Wong) Work the room. (Jones)