Manchester eScholar Services: the first 9 months Research Administrators Conference, 15th June 2010 Dr Phil Butler Today I’ll like to give you a brief overview of the University’s Institutional Repository Project. My presentation is in four parts, I’ll start with why this Project exists, Then I’ll give you an overview of what the project hopes to deliver and when And finish by bringing you up to date with what’s happened so far So lets get started …
What is Manchester eScholar?
Manchester eScholar is … a locus for individuals to manage, disseminate and share their scholarly work
Manchester eScholar is … a place to store and preserve intellectual assets
Manchester eScholar is … a catalogue of research outputs
Manchester eScholar www. manchester. ac. uk/escholar “ Manchester eScholar “... aims to sustain and enhance the research reputations of individuals and organisations affiliated with the University of Manchester.” hosted by John Rylands University Library
The institutional repository effect – an individual’s experience, Ray L Frost, QUT QUT repository launched in 2001. Professor Ray Frost was a big supporter and started depositing his materials. QUT introduce deposit policy in 2004. Professor Frost is top of the usage stats. NB: ~30% of usage is in last year alone. see
The institutional repository effect – an individual’s experience, Ray L Frost, QUT
Manchester eScholar – a suite of services
MyeScholar service – archiving scholarly work
“Self-archiving involves … depositing a free copy of a digital document ... in the author’s institutional repository ...”
Its like ...
RPE, REF Research Excellence Framework ...!!
Simple to comprehensive options ... Option 1. Lite-cite submission (not recommended) Option 2. Key metadata Option 3. Option 2 + supplementary metadata Option 4. Option 2 + full-text pre-peer review (draft), post-peer review (non-publishers document), post-peer review (publishers document) Option 5. Option 2 + supplementary files And it DOES NOT mean more SPAM And others …
Simple to comprehensive options ... Option 1. Lite-cite submission (not recommended) Option 2. Key metadata Option 3. Option 2 + supplementary metadata Option 4. Option 2 + full-text pre-peer review (draft), post-peer review (non-publishers document), post-peer review (publishers document) Option 5. Option 2 + supplementary files And it DOES NOT mean more SPAM And others …
Simple to comprehensive options ... Option 1. Lite-cite submission (not recommended) Option 2. Key metadata Option 3. Option 2 + supplementary metadata Option 4. Option 2 + full-text pre-peer review (draft), post-peer review (non-publishers document), post-peer review (publishers document) Option 5. Option 2 + supplementary files And it DOES NOT mean more SPAM And others …
Simple to comprehensive options ... Option 1. Lite-cite submission (not recommended) Option 2. Key metadata Option 3. Option 2 + supplementary metadata Option 4. Option 2 + full-text pre-peer review (draft), post-peer review (non-publishers document), post-peer review (publishers document) Option 5. Option 2 + supplementary files And others …
Simple to comprehensive options ... Option 1. Lite-cite submission (not recommended) Option 2. Key metadata Option 3. Option 2 + supplementary metadata Option 4. Option 2 + full-text pre-peer review (draft), post-peer review (non-publishers document), post-peer review (publishers document) Option 5. Option 2 + supplementary files And it DOES NOT mean more SPAM And others …
Self-archiving activity: January to May 2010 And it DOES NOT mean more SPAM And others …
Self-archiving activity: January to May 2010 And it DOES NOT mean more SPAM And others …
eScholar interoperability service –disseminating scholarly work
eScholar interoperability service corporate website faculty and school websites
eScholar reporting service – profiling scholarly work
Research Excellence Framework ...!!
Research Excellence Framework ...!!
Publishing profiles
MyETD service – electronic submission and preservation of University theses
My ETD service last stages of deployment ~140 PGR students ~160 submissions (140 exam, 20 final) PG administrators trained handover complete end June
ETD submission windows ... a gateway by which ETD submissions occur and are managed required for student to submit ETD types of window states of a window
ETD submission window types ... determine the properties of a submission Doctoral level ETD – examination (first submission) Doctoral level ETD – examination (re-submission) Doctoral level ETD – final Doctoral level ETD – final MPhil (re-classification)
ETD submission window states ... determine what can be done with a submission Pending Awaiting submission Expired Cancelled Deposited Acknowledged Rejected Sent to library Processed by library
What’s next? Improved performance – ready for RPE’10 More dissemination – richer search/display Better metadata – start filling in the gaps More archiving options – Wok, Scopus, Bibtex
Dr Phil Butler Questions? Dr Phil Butler And let’s finish there … questions?