Famous people Выполнила Ташбулатова Татьяна Сергеевна МБОУ «Сеяхинская школа-интернат, с. Сеяха
Names of famous people Winston Churchill Andrew Sakharov Peter I William Shakespeare Leonardo da Vinci Indira Ghandi Princess Diana George Washington
Do you know them?
Winston Churchill was a politician Winston Churchill was a politician. He was famous for his work for the Government. Winston Churchill
Andrew Sakharov was the world`s famous scientist Andrew Sakharov was the world`s famous scientist. He was famous for books on progress and freedom all over the world Andrew Sakharov
Indira Ghandi was the Prime Minister of India Indira Ghandi was the Prime Minister of India. She was famous for her own mind. Indira Ghandi
Princess Diana was the princess of Wales. She was famous for her kindness to poor people. Princess Diana
George Washington was the first President of the USA.
Leonardo da Vinci was a famous Italian painter, inventor, engineer, architect and sculpture.
Peter I was the first Russian Tsar. He was called “Peter the Great.” Peter the 1st
William Shakespeare was an English writer and poet William Shakespeare was an English writer and poet. He is famous for “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”
Put the names of famous people: 1. … was a politician. He was famous for his work for the Government. 2. … was the world`s famous scientist. He was famous for books on progress and freedom all over the world 3. … was the first Russian Tsar. 4. … was the first American President. 5. … was the Prime Minister of India. She was famous for her own mind. 6. …was the princess of Wales. She was famous for her kindness to poor people. 7. … was an English writer and poet. 8. … was a famous Italian painter, sculptor, inventor.
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