TuxPaint: Open Source Drawing Software for Children
Description TuxPaint is a Open Source, Free Software program that is designed for children ages 3-12. The drawing program is being used in schools all over the world and has won the Editor’s Pick Award and got 5 out of 5 stars from Yes It’s Free in March 2008. Features of the TuxPaint include a multitude of choices for drawing, backgrounds can be opened and stamps of items like animal shapes or fruits can be placed on top of a picture. Quirky sound effects accompany the drawing tool that can be adjusted to the right volume or turned off. With everything from the simplest sketching to full-detail scenery with birds flying, this program is a real winner among children and educators alike.
Additional Information TuxPaint is a wonderful program for all ages and of all abilities. A student needs only to be able to point and click to get some reward by using it. Kids can play at home and practice shapes, the alphabet and use the multiple effects available to them to draw almost about anything. Using a theme would be simple in the class room, the teacher need only to pick a set of stamps related to the theme and drop them in for students to choose from.
System Requirements Windows: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista Mac OS X: Requires Mac OS X, version 10.3.9 or later Linux: (No special OS requirements)
Credits http://www.tuxpaint.org/