Plant Adaptations
Plant Adaptations Inherited characteristics that increase the plant’s chances of survival
Reproduction with the help of: Air Water Animal The plant itself No seeds Animal! This is a bee pollinating a flower! The pollen that sticks to the bee’s legs is an adaptation that helps the pollen to spread from flower to flower.
Seed Dispersal Decreases competition and overcrowding Can introduce the seed into a new habitat
How are these seeds being dispersed? Air Water Animal The plant itself No seeds Animal! Have you ever gotten these stuck to you?
How are these seeds being dispersed? Air Water Animal The plant itself No seeds Wind! These are Dandelion seeds!
Seed Dispersal by Air Carried by the wind Examples: dandelions, tumbleweed, maple trees
Seed Dispersal by Water Seeds or fruits are dropped from the plant into rivers, lakes, or seas (the seeds float) Example: coconuts
Seed Dispersal by Animal Description Example Attach to animal fur Ingestion followed by excretion at a different location Birds eat fruit and throw away the seeds Burrs Apple Berries
Seed Dispersal by Self Videos The plant forcefully ejects seeds by various mechanisms. Examples: dwarf mistletoe, pea plant, squirting cucumber
The Narcissus plants look pretty, but they’re poisonous! Video Chemical Defenses Some plants produce chemical compounds that are toxic to insects that may feed on them The Narcissus plants look pretty, but they’re poisonous!
Carnivorous Plants Live in wet, acidic environments with little nitrogen. Adaptations include: - Ability to trap & digest insects as a nitrogen source
Sundew Pitcher Plant Venus Fly Trap Video Sundew Pitcher Plant Venus Fly Trap
Plants around the world have many of the same adaptations. True False False! Each Biome on Earth has a unique climate and environment. Plants in each biome have developed specialized adaptations!
Which of the following would be an adaptation of an aquatic plant? Tight tissues with no space for air Seeds that float in water Seeds that immediately sink Chemical signals that attract aquatic herbivores All of the above Seeds that float in water!
Aquatic Plants Live in mud with little oxygen. Adaptations include: Tissues with large air-filled space: oxygen can diffuse from the part above the ground to the roots Seeds that float in water
Which of the following would be an adaptation of a desert plant? Fibrous Roots Small Leaves Dormant Seeds Thick Stems All of the above All of the above!
Desert Plants These plants must be able to survive strong winds, daytime heat, sandy soil, & infrequent rain. Adaptations include: Extensive Roots: increase surface area to increase water absorption Reduced Leaves (Spines): to decrease water loss Dormant Seeds: only germinate when conditions are right Thick Stems: store water