CP6 – RADIOACTIVITY (p172-178) Nuclear Equations e.g Each line of numbers has to balance on both sides of the equation. For example 238 234 + 4 238 = 234 + 4 92 90+2 92 = 90 + 2 Complete the nuclear equation below for Beta minus emmision C N + β Isotopes Isotopes are different forms of the same element. As they are the same element they have the same number of protons. They vary in terms of number of neutrons in the nucleus. Complete the table Isotope Cl - 37 Cl – 35 Protons Neutrons Electrons Contamination and Irradiation Contamination is radioactive particles getting onto objects. When handling an object how do you reduce the risks of contamination? Exposure to radiation is called irradiation – objects near a source are irradiated by it. 2. How do we reduce the effects of irradiation in different places? A neutral atom loses an electron to form an ion. Draw the ion that is made. Add a symbol for the atom. Ionising radiation What are the four main types of ionising radiation? Rank them in order from most ionising to least. Rank them in order from most penetrating to least. What is the unit used for the activity of a radioactive isotope? Particle Relative Mass Relative Charge Proton 1 Neutron Electron -1 Positron
CP6 – RADIOACTIVITY (p172-178) Nuclear Equations e.g Each line of numbers has to balance on both sides of the equation. For example 238 234 + 4 238 = 234 + 4 92 90+2 92 = 90 + 2 Complete the nuclear equation below for Beta minus emmision Isotopes Isotopes are different forms of the same element. As they are the same element they have the same number of protons. They vary in terms of number of neutrons in the nucleus. Complete the table Isotope Cl - 37 Cl – 35 Protons 17 Neutrons 20 18 Electrons Contamination and Irradiation Contamination is radioactive particles getting onto objects. When handling an object how do you reduce the risks of contamination? Wear gloves and protective suits and use tongs to hold sources Exposure to radiation is called irradiation – objects near a source are irradiated by it. 2. How do we reduce the effects of irradiation in different places? Keep sources in lead lined boxes, stand behind barriers, using remote arms Medical staff use film badges to monitor exposure A neutral atom loses an electron to form an ion. Draw the ion that is made. Add a symbol for the atom. Ionising radiation What are the four main types of ionising radiation? Alpha, Beta+, Beta- or Gamma Rank them in order from most ionising to least. Alpha, Beta+ and Beta-, Gamma Rank them in order from most penetrating to least. Gamma, Beta+ and Beta-, Alpha What is the unit used for the activity of a radioactive isotope? Becquerel (Bq) Particle Relative Mass Relative Charge Proton 1 +1 Neutron Electron 1/2000 -1 Positron