Objectives: Apply the principles of democracy, American civic values, and citizens’ rights and responsibilities as embodied in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights to contemporary and historical issues. Trace the development, role and influence of American political parties, past and present. Explain the importance of natural rights philosophy in the creation of American constitutional government. Trace the application and evolution of the concepts of due process and equal protection as found in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. Assess the process used by Americans of diverse cultures or interest groups in securing the principles of democracy and individual rights. Develop a sense of civic awareness and responsibility.
Text & Materials Magruder’s American Government. By William A. McClenaghan. Copyright 2006, Prentice Hall. All students will be assigned one textbook for which they will be held responsible ($115.00 replacement value). Students are required to bring their covered textbook to class on time every day. Notebook, (3 ring binder is best) organized and in class every day. Paper, pens, pencils, highlighter, and any assigned work.
Homework Homework will be assigned approximately two to three nights a week, thus allowing for review of class presentations and preparation for class interactions. No late work will be accepted for full credit, unless due to an excused absence. As time warrants, a current events assignment will be implemented on selected Fridays. Students must submit on a timely basis, as the articles serve as an opportunity to have class discussions on issues and events in the news.
Service Learning The Political Action Project According to LAUSD policy, students will complete a service-learning experience integrated into the curriculum of an academic course, in order to graduate from high school. Service-learning is a teaching/learning strategy in which students learn and develop through active participation in high quality service that meets the needs of a community, and is integrated into and enhances a rigorous academic curriculum. At San Pedro High School, this requirement will be offered through a political service project in their 12th grade Government course. Teachers will provide students and parents with detailed information regarding the project.
Grading Tests and quizzes will comprise approximately 50% of the student's grade. Homework, class work, projects and participation will make up the other 50%. Test grades and final grades will be figured based on points, using the standard grading scale, below: A 100-90% B 89-80% C 70-70% D 69-60% F 59-00% All students will be required to keep an assignment sheet in their notebook at all times, with each assignment listed, with points possible and points received, updated, so as to always be aware of their progress in class.
Communications with Parents Parents can keep informed by: Checking every fifth week for a progress report Emailing instructor at Logging on to to monitor student’s progress Checking student assignment sheet