Look at the photograph below. What do you think is going to happen to this young man next? Write a diary entry for the man who is about to ‘hit the deck’.
Look at the picture below. It is a house shaped like a kettle! Write a story about the people who live in this house. Your story should be about half a page long.
Describe what is happening in this photograph Describe what is happening in this photograph. It is the Taiwanese Parliament. Then – write down whether you think this could happen in the New Zealand debating chamber…
This is a fight in the Taiwanese Parliament (they have a lot of fights Imagine that you are this man. Write how you are feeling at that moment!
This is an American Police car This is an American Police car. They have just got stuck in cement… Imagine that you are the driver of the patrol car. What are you thinking right now? Write a paragraph about what happened leading up to getting stuck in the cement…
Imagine that you are this guy. How do you feel at this moment? Write a story about your base jump.
Write a half-page description, from either the point-of-view What is going on here?! Write a half-page description, from either the point-of-view of one of the young men in the photo or the person taking the photo.