ICOTS Training Presentation for Caseworkers Presented by: Breana Beach, Becky Hillestead, and Mike Rauscher [Revision 1/4/2016] 09/22/2014
Logging In To few a flash demo of the login process: http://www.interstatecompact.org/About/ICOTS/FlashDemos/click on User Management on the left hand side. The login consists of a user’s email address and passwords are managed by each user using the “What is my password again” link. Security methods require your password be a minimum of eight characters and contain at least one upper case, one lower case, one numeral and one special character. Additional requirements include that the password can not be the same as the User ID, You can not reuse any of your last 10 passwords, Passwords must be changed every 90 days, No spaces are allowed and Passwords can not be a dictionary word or proper name. <pause> ** Logins are your email address, in all lower case letters.**
Logging In Login is email address Click “What is my password again?” Enter email again Go to Email Inbox, click on link to create password Password example: Gsmith49# The login consists of a user’s email address and passwords are managed by each user using the “What is my password again” link. Security methods require your password be a minimum of eight characters and contain at least one upper case, one lower case, one numeral and one special character. Additional requirements include that the password can not be the same as the User ID, You can not reuse any of your last 10 passwords, Passwords must be changed every 90 days, No spaces are allowed and Passwords can not be a dictionary word or proper name. <pause> ** Logins are your email address, in all lower case letters.**
Under User tab you need to set up your workflow to your supervisor. Each user is required to define and manage his or her workflow. This must be established prior to or during a user’s initial login. All users either report to a supervisor to review all outgoing managed activities prior to submitting to the compact office or report to the compact office. <pause> **Workflows must be set up by the user before any work can be forwarded to a supervisor and the Compact Office.** 5
Workflow POs/Caseworker PO Supervisors Create compact activities Supervise offenders PO Supervisors Review and approve information Have the ability to reassign cases from officer to officer Various user roles are established to facilitate a customizable workflow of the processes completed in ICOTS. The 2 field user roles are the PO (Pee-Oh) and PO Supervisor roles. It is important to note that these roles may or may not reflect the job functions of the user outside of ICOTS. The PO role allows for the creation of activities and the responsibility or assignment of compact cases. In addition to the capabilities of the PO, the PO supervisor reviews the entries of a PO for accuracy and completeness prior to submitting to a compact office for final submission to another state. This user also has the ability to reassign cases between PO users and other PO Supervisor users. <pause> 6
Compact Workload The Compact Workload serves as a user’s to-do list and provides a variety of searching options so that it is flexible enough to narrow your caseload to exactly the cases you wish to view. Leaving all search options blank or clicking reset generates a list of all assigned cases for a user. <Pause>
Compact Workload Case List/To-Do List Has Action items for Search results display in a table format which allows for sorting by any column. Hyperlinks for offender first and last names direct a user to that offender’s profile. The action item column displays pending activities requiring action by the user as a blue Hyperlink. Action items awaiting action by another user will appear in black. A view all link appears when more than one action item exists directing the user to all action items pending for the offender’s case. *Selecting the view all link prevents a user from overlooking any action items. <pause> Has Action items for Awaiting Completion Awaiting Review
Action Items Supervisor PO/Caseworker Awaiting Review Awaiting Completion Two types of action items exist on the compact workload Awaiting Review requiring a user to move an item through the workflow and awaiting completion for an activity. Once created, an activity remains on a user’s workflow until submission. At anytime after creating a new activity, the user can resume completion of it from the Compact Workload. <pause>
Offender Profile Each offender in the system has his or her own unique offender profile screen. On this screen offender case information is Viewed and edited such as Address, Employment, Aliases, dates of birth, photographs and special statuses. <pause>
Offender Profile The Compact cases tab on the offender’s profile displays all historical and active cases, the activities created and submitted on a case as well as allows the user to initiate subsequent activities for the offender. Once an offender is created in the system, using this drop down to create additional activities instead of the assistants screen prevents the user from accidentally creating a duplicate case or offender record. <pause>
Offender Profile Action Items Action Items can be accessed from the offender profile and display the same action items listed on the Compact workload. The view button means the activity is for the user to complete or take action on, the dash is a pending activity associated with the offender but for another user. <pause>
Update Residence and Employment information Offender Profile Update Residence and Employment information The receiving state user can update residence and employment information for an offender. The information provided automatically populates to future forms such as a progress report, violation report or case closure. <pause>
Transfer Request ICOTS will prompt the user with questions and does not allow progression to happen unless the questions are answered. Based on the criteria, the answers given determine what screen appears next. The first option “Is the transfer request you wish to create for an offender for whom no RFRI has been submitted by your state?” creates a brand new record in the system. The other questions merge or copy information from data already in the system. <pause>
Transfer Request The next screen asks for offender demographic information. ICOTS uses this information to search the system for matches so it’s important that as much information available is provided. <
Transfer Request Matches on the data entered as well as the option to add a new offender is available. After verifying the matches are NOT <emphasis> the same offender in which a transfer is being created for, Add offender may be selected creating a new offender record in the system. <pause>
Transfer Request If the results display a match to the offender being entered, simply select the offender from the list and continue on. <pause>
Reasons & Justification for Transfer Must already live with Resident: continuously inhabited at least one year prior to offense Resident Family: Parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, adult child, adult sibling, spouse, legal guardian, or step-parent: has resided in receiving state for at least 180 days and indicates willingness and ability to assist in plan of supervision. Employment Transfer: At the direction of employer as a condition of maintaining employment >>Subject to supervision due to the commission of a felony or certain misdemeanants (See ICAOS rule 2.105) and meets one of the following transfer criteria: > Resident living in the receiving state at least 1 year prior to the offense & has not intended to establish new residency in another state during that year by remaining in another state for 6 months or longer. This would not apply if offender is incarcerated or on active military deployment. > Resident Family lives in the receiving state for at least 6 months & has means of support/employment >Military deployment (or live with family deployed by the military) > Involuntary employment transfer to another state as a condition of maintaining employment (or live with family who's employment transfers involuntarily) >Other: Considered at the discretion of the receiving state provided sufficient documentation justifies the transfer
Transfer Request Last step The list of topics appear on the screen which the user is required to complete before the submit button activates. As the user moves through the various topics, ICOTS saves the progression indicated with a green check mark. Once that appears, the user can be assured the data is saved and is available anytime thereafter. The user could log out prior to submitting a Transfer request and resume progress from his or her compact workload. <pause>
Transfer Request Last Chance to Delete After all the topics are complete, the submit button is active. Selecting submit, moves the transfer request through the workflow<pause> Last Chance to Delete
Transfer Request The status of the transfer request can be viewed from the compact workload. The user is able to see the date the compact office transmitted the transfer request to the receiving state. <pause> Transfer Reply must be submitted to MN ICU within 30 days unless it requires an ECRC then it needs to be submitted to MN ICU within 20 days
Reply Once the response is sent, an email is generated notifying the sending state users (Compact Office, PO Supervisor & PO) The Activity History (Offender Profile) also reflects the decision of the Transfer Reply Once the receiving state compact office has approved the transfer reply, the decision is sent to each user involved via email notification. After receiving the email, details of the reply including any comments the receiving state made in the reply can be reviewed from the compact cases tab of the offender’s profile. <pause>
Transfer Request Reply Email is sent to user assigned As a receiving state, the user is notified by receiving an email stating they are assigned a Reply to a Transfer Request. The activity is accessible from the assistants screen, Access activity from Compact Workload 23
Case reassigned Once your case is sent to the receiving state, the file will be reassigned to a ICU caseworker. You will receive an email from a SPA with further instruction. If the file is denied, the caseworker will send you an email with your options. This needs to be addressed within 10 days 11/07/2014
What is the status of my TIR To check the status of your pending transfer request, you will need to search for the offender using the offenders tab This will show you the status of the reply to transfer request. 1/14/2014