Endangered Species
List 3 conditions that may cause an animal increase the chance of an animal becoming threatened or endangered. No longer able to Reproduce Loss of a habitat component Inability to adapt
What is the primary cause of extinction? Landscape alteration = habitat loss
What does section 9 of the ESA say and why is it so controversial? It includes the wording that makes it illegal to “harm” endangered species. It is controversial because it is difficult to define.
Is the pelican being harmed?
Is this manatee being harmed?
What are the causes identified for the extinction of the passenger pigeon? Hunted and trapped for food. Large scale hardwood forest destruction. In the early days, you could point a rifle in the sky—and without even aiming—take down birds for dinner. Before the railroad, this happened locally and on a relatively small scale. But as railroads crisscrossed the country, the nesting sites of passenger pigeons were connected to the markets of the east. Hunters could ride out hundreds of miles to where pigeons lived and, more importantly, send the dead birds back in refrigerator cars. A whole industry sprung up to feed the hungry cities: Boxcars with tens of thousands of birds made their way to the market.
Passenger pigeon was not only abundant in our region, but it was one if not the most abundant species of birds that were ever present on the planet. At the beginning of the 19th century it has been estimated that 5 billion or more individual passenger pigeons representing perhaps 40% of the entire North American bird population existed.
List two factors that led to the decline of the red wolf. Initially: Habitat loss Interbreeding with coyotes Hunted as pests Later on: Hit by cars Died of heartworm
Historical Range:
Officially, red wolves are extinct in the wild since these releases are experiments to determine the feasibility of reintroductions.
DDT – effective insecticide developed for agricultural use DDT – effective insecticide developed for agricultural use. The pesticide prevented birds from absorbing calcium. Banned in US in 1972 and world-wide in 2001 although still used in some areas for malaria control. Healthy pelican egg on the left, and a DDT-affected pelican egg on the right.
Extirpation – an animal that is no longer found in part of its range Ban on Pesticides Habitat protection Reintroduction programs
Bald eagle population in lower 48
Ground-nesting Pelicans
SC Wildlife Article on Brown Pelican http://www.scwildlife.com/articles/marapril2013/brownpelican.html
RCW – habitat fragmentation isolates DNA weakening the overall genetic strength of the species
Red Knot
Red Knots arrive at the Delaware Bay in late May below their fat-free weight after flying 7,000 miles from southern Brazil. They double their weight during their 2-3 week stay before flying 1,000 miles in early June to their breeding grounds in the low Canadian Artic.
Give an example of a highly specialized species and describe how it is a specialist: Everglades Kite
Today the Everglade Snail Kite is in trouble: it is listed by both the State of Florida and the federal government as an endangered species. Much of its habitat has been drained, other parts inundated to depths that suit neither snails nor their namesake kites. Water quality has declined and with it, Everglade Snail Kite populations have as well.
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