Fast walking and resistance exercise program in cancer survivors L Fast walking and resistance exercise program in cancer survivors L. Stefani, G. Mascherini, C. Petri, L. Francini, F. Buralli, A. Cattozzo, G. Galanti Sports Medicine Center- University of Florence, Italy Purpose: Physical Exercise is normally suggested in preventing metabolic risk factors especially in cancer patients. Despite aerobic exercise has been well studied, few data are available in case of combination with resistance exercise, particularly unsupervised. The study aims to assess the cardiovascular and metabolic impact of mixed exercises at moderate level, in cancer survivors Results: Anthropometric parameters showed a trend toward an improvement: BMI (Kg/m2) T0: 28.90 ± 7.70 T6:28.84 ± 7.05. Waist (cm) T0:91.33 ± 16.97; T6 91.87 ± 17.10; Hip (cm) T0: 108.13 ± 16.37 ; T9 108.17 ± 15.04, body composition and hydration data showed on the contrary a significant improvement (FM% T0:38.44 ±5.04 %, T6:37.65 ± 5.00 %, p<0.03; FFM % T0: 61.56 ± 5.04, T6: 62.35 ± 5.00 %, p< 0.03, TBW% T0: 49.26 ± 7.22 %, T6: 47.94 ± 5.97 % p<0.05). The respiratory rate is significantly reduced (T0: 31.15 ± 4.61 pm, T6: 29.42 ± 3.34 pm p<0.04).The functional parameters also showed a significant improvement of the number of repetitions at Chair Test (T0: 13.20 ± 4.84 rip, T6:15.31 ±3.54 rip, p< 0.01). Methods:15 surviving breast cancer women aged 55.51 ± 10.94 SD, were enrolled . BMI and circumferences of waist/hip were measured at the beginning and after 6 months of unsupervised exercise , as well as HR , BP, respiratory rate, Systolic and Diastolic Blood pressure and perceived exertion from CR10 scale, calculated at the 6MWT test. The unsupervised exercise program consisting in three sessions/ week for 6 months. The resistance exercises included a maximum of 20 strength repetitions, calculated from Hand Grip and Chair Test for strength for the upper and lower limbs. Aerobic training included 30 minutes of "fast walking" at 70% of own maximum HR calculated at 6MWT. Conclusions: Combination aerobic and resistance exercise produces , in a short time, a significant improvement of those parameters associated to some cardiovascular risk factors involved on the overall quality of life. This effect is possible by using a program of "unsupervised " exercise. declaration of interest: no conflict of interest