4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Module 4 Objectives After completing this module, you should be able to: List the steps in the program development process Develop program goals and objectives Identify performance measurement strategies Describe the connection between program goals and objectives, and evaluation strategies Notes: Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-1
4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Successful Interventions Provide those factors that contribute to success for girls Minimize risk factors for girls and build on protective factors Identify what a specific girl needs across the continuum of care Include program elements that have been proven to work Notes: Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-2
4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Valentine’s Principles (from A Conversation about Girls) Safety Time to talk Relationships of trust and interdependence Programs that tap cultural strengths Mentors who share experiences that resonate with girls’ lives Education about women’s health Opportunities to create positive change A voice in program design Comprehensive and sustained programming Curricula that reflect and value the experience and contributions of women Valentine Foundation, 1990 Notes: Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-3
4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Identifying What a Girl Needs Initial screening to identify the strengths and needs of the girl and her family across the continuum of care (prevention, early intervention, treatment/supervision, follow-up) Physical health Mental health Education Family Friends/social contacts Offense history Identify risk factors and strengths Notes: Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-4
4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP The Program Development Process (not necessarily a linear or sequential process) Conduct organizational assessment Develop mission and vision statements Develop program goals and objectives Design and organize the program Manage the program Develop a performance measurement strategy Notes: Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-5
4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Organizational Assessment Key Questions What are your capabilities and limitations? What resources and expertise are available for program planning, staff training, and performance measurement? How can existing resources be redirected ? How much can your organization afford to spend on the program? Who are the partners, both professional and community-based, who will need to collaborate to implement gender-responsive programs? How will you get them involved? Notes: Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-6
4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives Overview Guide a program’s development Describe what you are trying to do Serve as the foundation of the program Notes: Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-7
Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Vision and Mission Vision – A shared picture of the future the organization seeks to create. Mission – Describes the reason the organization exists. Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-8
Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Goals and Objectives Goals – Broad statements, long-term Objectives – Well-defined, specific, measurable Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-9
How to Develop Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP How to Develop Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives Develop a vision and a mission statement that encompasses gender-responsive values Define your gender-responsive program goals Define the objectives that will lead to goal accomplishment Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-10
Design and Organize the Program 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Design and Organize the Program Given your mission, vision, goals, and objectives, what program elements are needed? Given the results of your organizational assessment, how should the program be organized? Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-11
Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Manage the Program Leadership and supervision Policies and protocols Staff hiring, training, retention Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-12
Performance Measurement 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Performance Measurement The assessment of a program’s progress toward its stated goals. Performance measurement focuses on outcomes. Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-13
Performance Measurement vs. Evaluation 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Performance Measurement vs. Evaluation Performance measurement Evaluation Outcomes (every program) Process (grants) Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-14
Performance Indicator 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Performance Indicator A particular value used to measure program output or outcomes Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-15
Establishing Performance Measures 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Establishing Performance Measures Define interim indicators of progress as well as long-range outcomes. Be sure that your outcome measures address the domains you intend to affect. Use client assessment tools/results as part of your performance measurement system, and be sure that you are assessing those aspects of your clients that you intend to affect positively. If you do not implement your program or policy initiative as intended, you may get false negatives. Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-16
Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Logic Models Help you develop outcome measures Illustrate connections from inputs through activities, outputs, and outcomes Tools for refining your thinking about each part of the program Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-17
Activity: “So That” Chain 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Activity: “So That” Chain Select a program or policy initiative you want to implement or have implemented. Develop a “so that” chain. There may be a variety of “so that” paths, especially when you are thinking of long-range outcomes. Propose some ways to measure outcomes or interim indicators of progress for each “so that.” Think about positive outcomes, not just the absence of negative ones like recidivism and substance abuse. Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-18
Factors for Successful Implementation 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Factors for Successful Implementation Clearly stated goals Strong leadership and management Clearly documented policy and protocols Sound hiring and staff development practices Effective performance measurement plan Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-19
Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Personal Action Plan Complete the Module 4 section of your Personal Action Plan. Rate your organization’s need for improvement in relation to each of the factors for successful implementation. Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-21
Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4. Designing and Implementing Successful GRP Module 4 Summary After completing this module, you should now be able to: List the steps in the program development process Develop program goals and objectives Identify performance measurement strategies Describe the connection between program goals and objectives and evaluation strategies Gender-Responsive Programming for Girls – Track II 4-20