7th Umbrella Harmonisation Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

7th Umbrella Harmonisation Meeting Mirjam van Daalen

Welcome Todays Agenda 10:30 - 10:40 Mirjam: Welcome 10:40 - 11:00 Jean-François: Hand-over Umbrella to ILL 11:00 - 11:15 Björn: Operators handbook 11:15 - 11:45 Björn: eduGain-Bridge / Moonshot for production 11:45 - 12:00 Björn: TERENA Code of Conduct  12:00 - 13:00 Lunch  13:00 - 13:30 Mirjam: MoU 13:30 - 14:00 Alistair: iCAT 14:00 - 14:15 Lukas: GEANT3+ 14:15 - 14:30 Stefan: Moonshot JANET 14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break 15:00 - 16:00 Mirjam: Retrospection of Umbrella and discussion

Roadmap for Umbrella deployment Project end PaNdata 30.09.2014 Project end CRISP 30.09.2014 MoU between partners

Info PSI management decided not to operate the Umbrella platform after finishing the PaNData and CRISP projects 30.09.2014. ILL was willing to take over the operation of the Umbrella platform, starting from the 01.10.2014 . “GNU Lesser General Public License” LGPL inserted in MoU Björn signed a contract with PSI IT department starting from 01.10.2014 and will still be involved in Umbrella after 30.09.2014

Topics todays meeting Finish the Umbrella project as foreseen within the CRISP and PaNdata ODI projects: Status report and retrospection. Discuss the signature of the MoU and plan a date for it. Handover of Umbrella as a finished project for operation to ILL. Operators handbook Umbrella Umbrella as a basis for new services in future Horizon 2020 project PaNDaaS.

Umbrella status Full deployment end of September 2014 1st wave: ILL, ESRF, PSI online since August 2013 Elettra October 2013 2nd wave: DESY, ISIS, Diamond, Soleil, KIT (Nov 2013 – August 2014) Full deployment end of September 2014

Umbrella status Status of Service Provider deployment Facility Status SP installed WUO adapted Production ESRF OK ILL PSI Elettra ISIS Diamond DESY Soleil Waiting for management KIT

at start of user operation Deployment planning Umbrella Umbrella Deployment CRISP PaNData NMI3 CALYPSO Others ESRF implemented x ILL DESY Diamond ISIS Elettra MaxLab 2nd half 2014 HZB when GATE in operation Soleil Alba EUXFEL at start of user operation ESS GSI PSI FELBE CLIO No Umbrella FELIX KIT technically prepared

In operation Basic Umbrella https://umbrellaid.org/euu/ Geo DNS (server Umbrella distributed between different facilities) Access to iCAT metadata catalogue via Umbrella (PaNdata ODI development)

Ready to put into operation Umbrella Status Ready to put into operation Access to Umbrella via EduGain (Geant 3+, Switch) Login with account home institution (Universities etc.) Link of Umbrella to Moonshot (Geant 3+ , non web based access) Remote experiment access

Thank you for your attention!

MoU Umbrella