Partnering to optimize STANAG 6001 test development Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b Partnering to optimize STANAG 6001 test development Bruges, 5-9 May 2014
Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b Collaboration domains Item sharing (whole items or „just“ audio files/texts) Item moderation (using e-mail or real time tools, i.e. Skype) Piloting (items or whole tests) Cooperation on Oral Interviews/Speaking Statistical analysis Norming/Re-norming activities Bruges, 5-9 May 2014
Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b …item banking shared by all nations? what system could we use? what server could we use? who would be the administrator? who would be the users? how would we ensure the correctness of items (level, language, etc.)? how would we meet security requirements of all nations? etc. Bruges, 5-9 May 2014
Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b Item moderation essential domain – already happening between many nations most effective is face2face moderation real time (online) moderation or e-mail moderation Interviews sharing testers for conducting oral interviews (especially at higher levels) Bruges, 5-9 May 2014
Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b Piloting already happening between many European nations SG#1 identified great need for ePiloting as the budget cuts do not enable us to conduct the face2face or even snail mail piloting anymore ITALY (item banking, piloting) Statistical Analysis nations are willing to run item analysis on their software and help with the interpretation of results Bruges, 5-9 May 2014
Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b Norming/Re-norming activities course for online eNorming Session CZE Bruges, 5-9 May 2014
Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b How to find a proper partner nation? Not a problem anymore! Best way of finding new partners is through personal contact (i.e. BILC conferences, seminars or workshops) Testing Resources Support List Survey BILC webpage Bruges, 5-9 May 2014
Thank you for your attention. Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b Thank you for your attention. Q&A Bruges, 5-9 May 2014
Conference 2014, Belgium Study Group #1a+b eLearning Platform Links Playground System administration contact: NATO members PfP Countries ISN – ADL Support Information Bruges, 5-9 May 2014