Performance of small populations
Distribution of population sizes Number of cases Scorzonera hispanica
Processes in small populations Deterministic Loss of pollinators, problems with finding mates Stochastic Effect of random fluctuations
Deterministic effects Demographic – effects directly on population dynamics Genetic – effects via genetic diversity
Demographic effects Allee effect
Allee effect Limited possibility to find a partner due to low population density
Limitation by number of pollinators Ågren, J. (1996), Lythrum salicaria
Limitation by pollen availability Testing limitations by pollen availability Separation from plant vitality and habitat quality
Ågren, J. (1996), Lythrum salicaria
Stochastic effect Demographic Environmental Disturbance
Demographic stochasticity
Demographic stochasticity Application of probabilities to limited sample (mortality, reproduction….) Problem only in small populations
50% survival probability
Data Probabilities of transitions in the life-cycle 0.5 0.9 0.3 4
Lathyrus vernus
Data Killer whale
Population transition matrix Seedling vegetative flowering Seedling Vegetative Flowering Population growth rate Stable stage distribution
Modeling demographic stochasticity? Matrix multiplication
Application of probabilities to each individuals Average Good luck Bad luck Ineffective calculation
Alternative Use knowledge on distribution of the probabilities Transition probability – multinomial distribution Reproduction – binomial or Poisson distribution
Poisson distribution
Demographic stochasticity or changing condition? Killer whales 1: yearling 2: juvenile 3: mature females 4: post reproductive females Demographic stochasticity or changing condition?
Killer whale Only 1 offspring per female, number has binomial distribution Other multinomial distribution
Killer whale Populations with 4 individuals
Population size Killer whale
Projection of population size in time
Demographic or environmental stochasticity? How probable it is that there is no reproduction over 5 years? Time without reproduction – killer whale
Extinction of lineages Branching process models
Environmental stochasticity
Environmental stochasticity Variation of demography in time Combination of good and bad year
Data Variability in transition probabilities over time Combination of spatial and temporal variation
Models of environmental stochasticity Independent between years Markov chains – dependencies between years Autoregressive techniques – continuous changes in quality
Independent performance between years Random combination of different qualities
Variation in transition probabilities Whole matrices vs. single transitions Covariance
Scorzonera hispanica
Thomas 1990, simulace
Variation vs. mean Variation– probability of survival in small populations Mean – long-term trends
Population growth rate in changing environment Not possible to average – depends on stable stage distribution Simulation – multiple combinations of all matrices
Long term population growth rate
Demo. and env. stochasticity
Extinction Demo. stochasticity – integer numbers Env. stochasticita – fractions
Effect of disturbance Relationship between disturbance size and frequency Problems with quantification
Disturbance Song et al. 2001
Without disturbance With disturbance Mangel & Tier 1994, simul