Adaptations to survive the cold and hot environments
Learning outcomes Label some adaptations of animals to live in different environments (G) Recall how having these adaptations help the animal survive in their habitat (F) I can describe how these adaptation allow them to survive (E)
What do these animals have in common? Look at the following… What do these animals have in common?
Animals in Cold Climates Common features: Thick fur coats Layer of blubber under the skin Colour – many change colour in the summer What about body shape?
Body Shape Have fat, round body shapes with short legs Have small ears – why?
What do these animals have in common? Look at the following… What do these animals have in common?
Animals in Dry Climates Common features: Large thin ears Little body fat Thin, silky fur Long limbs to help spread heat They also often only come out at night. Why? What about body shape?
Body Shape
Surface Area to Volume Ratio Animals loose heat from the body surfaces that are in contact with the surrounding air/water. Reducing this contact surface reduces heat loss Increasing the surface increases heat loss
Surface Area to Volume Ratio Hidden surfaces are exposed
Adaptation in animals On your own: Using these keywords in your answers: adaptation, conserve, surface area : volume ratio, camouflage. An elephant has a small surface area compared to its volume. How will this affect it in hot climates? Why do very small animals struggle to live in the arctic? Why are arctic foxes white in the winter? Wrinkly elephants? Big eared foxes? What’s it all about?
Compare these two animals… Desert Fox Arctic Fox Can you add any adaptations or reasons for the adaptation?
* elephant * camel * Polar bear mole bat * whale zebra tiger duck Take your 4 animals (including at least one with a *) and: Identify the main/key characteristics of each animal Name the adaptations that help each animal to survive * elephant * camel * Polar bear mole bat * whale zebra tiger duck flocking starling sheep owl wildebeest dolphin shark Animal What adaptations does the animal have? How adaptations help them survive in that habitat?