Unit 2 Lesson 4 Nutrition & Physical Activity Bell Ringer: What are the six classes of nutrients? Which three are energy providing? Which nutrient provides fiber? What is the benefit of fiber? What is the 944 rule? Read pages 154-160
Influences Factors that play a role in why individuals eat what they eat… Personal preferences Moods & Emotions Family Peers Culture/Ethnicity Economics Allergies
Strategies Ways to avoid negative influences… Create HABITS that are healthy Plan ahead Eat in moderation Do not over eat Limit snacks to 200 or less calories Average person 200 calories or less = low caloric count Average person 400 calories or more = high caloric count Eat multiple small meals a day, never let yourself get hungry Exercise daily Drink a lot of water! Chose water over any other beverage
Benefits Benefits of healthy eating Increased energy Keeps organs healthy Helps maintain a desired body weight Keeps the brain functioning at a high level Helps build & repair muscle Satisfies cravings & hunger
Vocabulary Physical Fitness Cardiorespiratory Endurance Flexibility The ratio of lean body tissue to body-fat tissue The ability of the joints to move through their full range of motion An index of weight in relation to height that assess healthy body weight A heart rate range within which the most gains in cardiorespiratory health occur The ability of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, & blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your body’s cells The ability of the body to carry out daily physical activities without getting tired. A substance that is able to protect the body from waste accumulation Physical Fitness Cardiorespiratory Endurance Flexibility Body Composition Body Mass Index Target Heart Rate- Antioxidants-
Vocabulary Answers Physical Fitness- The ability of the body to carry out daily physical activities without getting tired. Cardiorespiratory Endurance- The ability of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, & blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your body’s cells Flexibility- The ability of the joints to move through their full range of motion Body Composition- The ratio of lean body tissue to body-fat tissue Body Mass Index - An index of weight in relation to height that assess healthy body weight
Vocabulary Answers Antioxidants- A substance that is able to protect the body from waste accumulation Target Heart Rate- A heart rate range within which the most gains in cardiorespiratory health occur
Cholesterol Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced and released into the bloodstream by cells in the liver. Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like substance found in the bloodstream and in all your body's cells. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs. The body uses cholesterol to form cell membranes, aid in digestion, convert Vitamin D in the skin and develop hormones. Cholesterol is stored inside a waterproof envelope of lipids (fat), along with specific proteins that weave in and out of the envelope’s outer shell. These particles are called lipoproteins. While there are several types of lipoproteins, your cholesterol score measures just two:
Cholesterol Low-density lipoprotein (LDL or 'bad') cholesterol can join with fats and other substances to build up in the inner walls of your arteries. The arteries can become clogged and narrow, and blood flow is reduced. High-density lipoprotein (HDL or 'good') carries harmful cholesterol away from the arteries and helps protect you from heart attack and stroke.
Sodium Most Americans eat over 4,000mg of sodium per day Recommended amount is 2,200mg per day. Contributes to HYPERTENSION = High Blood Pressure
Hypertension You and your blood pressure… 120 = Systolic pressure 70 = Diastolic pressure
Blood pressure 110 72 GOOD! 130 80 Not so Good! 160 90 BAD!!
Questions you should be able to answer… Complete in your journal Why do we need carbohydrates? Where are they stored? What is the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates? What is the benefit of a whole grain vs. white breads/pastas? Why do we need proteins? What are proteins composed of? What is the difference between a complete and incomplete protein? What types of foods offer complete and incomplete proteins? What are fats used for? How many calories are in 1 gram of fat? What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? Which are the best to consume? What types of foods can we find saturated and unsaturated fat?
It might change your life… Food, INC. It might change your life…
FOOD INC. For each chapter answer the question in your journal 4 THE DOLLAR MENU Question: Should access to healthy food be a right for everyone?
Unit 2 Project Show Criner your topic list for your project REQUIREMENT: Topic must be controversial and have opposing viewpoints You must have a minimum of three variables You need to show how each variable affects your topic. How does insert variable here affect insert topic here?
Unit 2 Project Rubric 1 Below Basic 2 Basic 3 Proficient 4 Advanced 6 or more misspellings or grammatical errors. Little or no effort & understanding No organization or thought Little or no explanation Little to no content One or more ideas identified, but lacking explanation No classroom resources Used 2 Basic 5 or more misspellings or grammatical errors. Basic effort & understanding Limited organization or thought Limited explanation Limited content One idea identified and explained One classroom resources used 3 Proficient Fewer the 3 misspellings or grammatical errors. Good effort & understanding Mostly organized content and thought Good explanation w/multiple some statistical data General content Two or more ideas identified with an average explanation Multiple classroom resources used and Identified No outside classroom Work is evident 4 Advanced No misspellings or grammatical errors. Exceptional effort & understanding Well organized and good thought Thorough explanation w/multiple statistical data Advanced content Multiple (5) ideas Identified and explained Multiple classroom resources used and Identified Outside classroom work is Evident and identified
Unit 2 Project –Poster Expectations Must include Opposing Viewpoints Must favorably support BOTH sides of the controversy Must include the following information – Topic description/explanation, pros & cons, impacts on health (positive & negative) to self/others, statistics (County, Idaho, US), impacts on economy (if any), etc.
CLOSURE Answer the following question in your Journal…. What are the basic elements in food necessary for life and growth?