7 STEPS Forward to make Mobility Patterns More Sustainable


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Presentation transcript:

7 STEPS Forward to make Mobility Patterns More Sustainable A Policy Approach for Municipalities and Regions Marien G. Bakker – RWS Kain Glensor – Wuppertal Inst June 1st 2016 (1)

Content Introduction Trans National Call Stepping Stones Research approach Main Findings Success factors – 7 Steps

Trans National Call (1) “Steppings Stones” How to make Mobility Patterns more sustainable? Trans-National Call – Era-net Transport ( 21 partners) Launching Call March 2012 Poland, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands and UK Total Budget € 500.000,- with up to € 800.000,- Funding for 3 Consortia: GPS, Step-by-Step and SHAPE-IT Kick-Off: May 2013 Gavle during ECOMM 2013 Patterns more sustainable

Trans National Call (2) Research Question to understand the successful (policy) measures aimed at making mobility patterns more sustainable (WHAT), and the underlying mechanisms (HOW) including social & psychological factors (WHY)

Trans Nationational Call (3) Selected Consortia GPS - Guided Principles Sustainable Mobility WHY 20 cases, Quality Analysis SHAPE-IT HOW 10 cases, SUMP Policy Integration, - Processes Step-By-Step WHAT 30 cases, Statistical Analysis

Research approach (1) The “Ponte Vecchio” model strengths, weaknesses & methodologies What-question | Large N | Statistical analysis  STEP-BY-STEP How-question | moderate N | Qual analysis  GPS Why question | small N Explorative  SHAPE-IT

Research approach (2)

Main Findings The Success of Measures: - Not just related to WHAT measures - But more to HOW this is done Ambition an goals The Govenance Packaging of Measures: Pull and Push Organization of Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation The use of Behaviour Change Theories found valuable: No conclusions about Effectiveness Low number of cases Most cases the Theorie of Cialdine were used mostly implicitly

Success factors – 7 Steps (1) Step 1: Ambition and Goal Setting Requires a sound problem analysis; now and future A challenging ambition, with realistic objectives and targets Adopt Objectives broader than Transport only, like Quality of Life Tune on the specific Challenges of city or region (safety improve) Köniz: Main Shopping road design

Success factors – 7 Steps (2) Step 2: Good Governance Innovative structures – project delivery outside the municipality Policy Integration – alignment local/regio/nat/Eu – gives support Horizontal Integration – geographic boundaries – between departments Approach the measure as an integrated project – good planning, clear objectives – part of the city policy documents – overcome stand alone Policy integration Framework

Success factors – 7 Steps (3) Step 3: Coherent set of measures Consider broad range – modes – impact on mobility – econom/environ Develop packages pull/push like pricing/ access PT or speed/road design Pull seems better than Push; Economic measures more succesfull There are 4 Categories with specific recommendations Comprehensive strategies: policy integration, international know-how Regulation: Door-openers standard AQ; small steps; intrinsic motivation Infrastructure: Windows of opportunity –Street design –co funding Mobility Management: campaigns, new services, real alternatives car use

Success factors – 7 Steps (4) Step 4: Implementation Take advantage of new laws and funding (for infrastructure) Create owner ship of the plan and will to act Find key people for political commitment The right person responsible for the project Define the tasks of working group, skilled and committed Play the game well, Look for support on personnel level; Pragmatic approach Find windows of opportunity like political or funding timescales Learning by doing, room for adjustments during project Allow users to trial measures to change their minds

Success factors – 7 Steps (5) Step 5: Organize Participation proactively Identification of Stakeholders Stakeholder involvement part decision-making process Important for acceptance of measures Prepare participation – communication strategy Support the implementation process Define persuasion strategy (model Cialdini) Real life test of - and temporary measures Share of positive intentions, celebrate positive effects of measures

Success factors – 7 Steps (6) Step 6: Monitoring and Evaluation Start at the beginning to make the right adjustments during and after the project Successful projects based on good practise of previous projects Results of evaluation can be used in new projects The need for arguments in the public discussion – for acceptance To get better understanding of the critical success factors Built-in in the funding scheme – or – obligatory

Success factors – 7 Steps (5) Step 7: Prepare for Continuation Plan for the future – transferability – who will be the owner Keep alive after project ends Maintain, Improve, develop Avoid inventing the wheel again Cycle capital München

Marien G Bakker marien.bakker@rws.nl Thank you for your attention Marien G. Bakker http://transport-era.net/results/virtuele-map/stepping-stones/project-details/results/ Marien G Bakker marien.bakker@rws.nl