Globalization and Identity: Chapter 1 pages 18-25 Introductory activity 1. We want to identify and express individual and collective identity. Start by looking at the collage (a compilation of pictures that are part of a theme- in this case - the artist's identity) on page 18. What components from the collage assist you in identifying who the artist is? * Possible responses: o Is the artist male or female? o other females /males in picture- then who are they? * Family/ mentors/ role models * images of the past and the present * messages of self knowledge understanding and * self worth- “I AM INDIAN” * “there is nothing more powerful than to know who you are… the people you come from…”
2. Who are YOU. Read pages 20-22 as a class 2. Who are YOU? Read pages 20-22 as a class. Re-examine the “Before and After” and have students reflect on who they are. *How many of them were not born in Canada (keep your hands up until end of activity) * How many of your parents were not born in Canada? * How many of your Grandparents were not born in Canada? Eventually most hands will be up – write down various countries of origin to simply show diversity of class. Follow up questions: What is the origins of your last name? If not English do you speak that language ?parents? Grandparents? Why do we speak English? (Historical legacy of globalization- British Imperialism and colonies)
This may help them to begin to look at who they are 3 This may help them to begin to look at who they are 3. What other aspects make individual student’s identity? Complete exercise Reflect and Respond on page 22. Students will be asked to bring a picture of themselves along with other symbols or pictures that make up the elements of their identity – forming their own collage to be displayed. 4. Read aloud the Section: How do you express who you are? discuss obvious examples of how students express their identity 5. Read Expressing Individual Identity: Traditions and Expressing Individual Identity: Language. (pg.23) answer embedded questions and then do Language and worldview and examine the Inuit words for snow (FYI – top left corner) Ask the students if they speak any other language and do they feel like another person when they speak it
6. Look around at the way people dress and how that communicates who they are – a)what stereotypes are presented throughout high school ie) jocks, Goths etc. b)how are they identifiable? 7. Would you ever get a tattoo and/or body piercing? What considerations would go into creating a tattoo or getting a piercing? Read page 25. Complete “Reflect and Respond” at bottom of the page in a similar manner to the bubble web. 8. Music / Poetry and Pop Culture - Music is often an outlet for an artist to express themselves in a form of story telling or underlying message. Music and poetry is often less restrictive and has fewer “rules” than normal everyday social interactions. - Choose a song or a poem that you enjoy that represents something you believe in as part of your identity. Print the lyrics and explain their message or relevance to you and / or society. (How does this song reflect YOU?) - If applicable – identify current issues that may be advocated. What is the impact on society or you as an individual?